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All Gateways have their data displayed on a similar screen. Only the "Decision" gateway has a different configuration, which can be found in the Editing flowchart activity/decision data section. See further details to configure the other gateways, below:


Select the gateway in the flowchart and click on the Data button. On the screen that will be displayed, fill in the following fields:




Corresponding gateway:  The configuration of the corresponding gateway is only required when the gateway is part of a flowchart loop, and thus, it does not lock the execution of any gateway that has already been executed in a previous cycle of the loop. During the execution of the flowchart, the system checks the gateway inputs, and if any has been executed, it indicates that the gateway has already been executed, and therefore will not run again. However, when there is a loop in the flowchart, it may be necessary for the gateways that are present in the flow to be executed in all cycles of the loop, and to do so, another gateway present in the loop must be selected to clear the gateway (Execution history) and so give continuity to the new cycle of the loop.

In the following example, Gateway A must be configured as the corresponding gateway of Gateway B and Gateway B must be configured as the corresponding gateway of Gateway A. When Gateway A is executed, the user can start a loop with two possibilities:

Gateway A arrowrgray Activity 02 arrowrgray Gateway B arrowrgray Activity 04; or

Gateway A arrowrgray Activity 03 arrowrgray Gateway B arrowrgray Activity 04;

So that the system does not lock the execution in Gateway A upon entering the second cycle of the loop (regardless of which flow was executed earlier), when Gateway B is executed, the inputs checked as executed in Gateway A must be unchecked. The same occurs when executing Gateway B, that is, so that it does not lock in the next loop cycles, it will also be needed for its inputs, marked as executed, to be unchecked.



Loop is a resource where the execution of one or more flows must be repeated several times until a certain score is reached.


Input flow

On this tab, the system will display all the input flows of the gateway. It is possible to edit the input flow data by changing, for example, the happy path type to exception path, thus associating the lean wastes with the route. To do that, select the desired flow and click on the edit button. See more details about this configuration in the Flows (connectors) section.


Output flow1_auxnmb

On this tab, the system will display all the output flows of the gateway. Through this tab, it is possible to edit the route type of each flow, as well as defining the execution of an output flow through a formula or by checking the flow as default execution. To do that, select the desired flow and click on the edit button. See more details about this configuration in the Flows (connectors) section.


It is worth remembering that a formula can contemplate various combinations that will set a condition to execute or not the output flow of the gateway. Due to the complexity in the draft of formulas, if you have any questions that are not covered in this documentation, please contact SoftExpert support for a personalized service.



The Revision tab will only be displayed if the process being modeled is configured with an automation whose operation is "Revision"; otherwise, the Status tab will be displayed. Select what will be the status of the process once the gateway is executed. In case of automation for "Revision", if necessary, select the Start new cycle option to start a new revision cycle. The system will only display the statuses that have the same configuration as the automation of the process.


After configuring the gateway, save the record.