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Control analysis

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The risk control aims at preventing or reducing the occurrence of a risk. Thus, in the control analysis, procedures are available that aim to prevent, eliminate or reduce to acceptable levels, both the frequency and the severity of a risk. See how to perform a control analysis:


The control analysis screen can be accessed in several ways:

When saving the addition of a control to the plan structure;

When selecting a control in the structure and clicking on the Edit button on the toolbar.

If the plan already has all the controls associated with the risk in the structure, the control analysis screen may also be accessed by the third quadrant of the Management Planning menu. To do that, simply list the controls, of the plan details, and click on the side toolbar button.


If in the plan type is configured that it will undergo revision, the analysis can only be performed while the revision is in progress.


The control analysis screen will be displayed as follows:



General data
Best practice


Save the control analysis after entering all the necessary information.