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This section contains subsections that allow adding supplies, items, wastes or repositories that store these types of objects for them to be transported. See below how to use the available subsections:


The name of this section and of some subsections and fields will vary according to the type of object that will be transported. Remember that the type of the object that will be transported is defined on the transport type data screen.

The operations performed in the displayed subsections are similar for all object types and, because of that, the description will be made in this section only, identifying where they differ.



1_auxnmbIn the Total subsection, the system displays all objects (either detached ones or those contained in a repository) that will be transported.



1_auxnmbIn the Repository section, it is possible to add a repository to be transported. To do this, on the side toolbar, click on the new button and fill out the following fields of the screen that will open:




Select the storeroom that the repository that will be transported belongs to.


Select the repository that will be transported.


Select the disposal/treatment that the object that will be transported will have.

Enable repository to be used when finishing shipment

Check this option for the system, after the repository transport receiving confirmation, to change its status to "Available for use". If this option is not checked, when confirming the repository transport receiving, the repository status will be "Transported".


In the list of records at the bottom of this section, the system displays the objects (supplies, items, or wastes) contained in the repository that will be transported.


After filling in the necessary fields, save the record.

Use the other sidebar buttons to edit the repository association data and to disassociate the selected repository from the transport.



In the Supply/Item/Waste subsection, it is possible to add storeroom objects to be transported. To do this, on the side toolbar, click on the new button and fill out the following fields of the screen that will open:




Select the storeroom that stores the object type that will be transported. At the bottom of the screen, in the list of records, select the objects that will be added to the storeroom and enter the desired quantity. If planning the transport of a waste and it is associated with an environmental license that has the "Control of transported waste amount" option checked, the value entered in this field may not be greater than the quantity available in stock and the one informed in the license.

Environmental license

This field will only be displayed if the object that will be transported is a waste. If the waste that will be transported is associated with an environmental license (SE Waste), this field will be filled in with the Specified, Transported and Available quantity in the storeroom of the waste in the license.


Select the disposal/treatment which the object that will be transported will have.


After filling in the necessary fields, save the record.

Use the other sidebar buttons to edit the object association data and to disassociate the selected object from the transport.



Use the Description subsection to enter important information about the objects or repositories that will be transported.



After filling in all the necessary fields, save the transport record.