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Task type



Kanban is a visual management system for the control of tasks and workflows through the use of lanes and cards (tasks). It allows tasks to be managed quickly, in a board to indicate and track, in a visual and practical way, using few resources, the progress of the task flows in the organization, facilitating the viewing of what must be done by all team members. Creating and editing tasks in the Kanban will respect the security configurations of the workspace it is part of, and the fields to be filled out will be in accordance with the task type and related flowchart.


Available operations

Workspace operations

Selecting another workspace

Filtering tasks

Grouping tasks

Deleting a task

Task operations

Creating a task

Editing a task

Following a task

Adding a list to a task

Adding an association to the task

Executing a task

Viewing a task

Copying a task

Assigning a new responsible user

Comment in the task history

Entering time for the task

Creating sub-tasks