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Executing a task

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When accessing the "Execution arrowrgray Board" menu, the workspace screen will be displayed on the board. See below the operations that can be performed in the workspace tasks:


In order to be possible to execute a task, you or the user who will perform this operation must be a member of the Execution team defined in the workspace displayed in the board. To execute a task through the board, simply drag the task card to the lane that has the new task status:




It is also possible to execute the task by editing its step. To do that, click on the actions button on the upper right corner of the task card and click on the "Edit" option. On the task screen, edit the Step field with the new task status. Then, click on the "Save" button to apply the changes; otherwise, click on the "Cancel" button.




It is important to point out that the tasks can only be sent to the steps configured in the Flowchart defined for their task type. See further details in the Workspace creation section.