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Editing a meeting scheduling

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To edit the data of a meeting being scheduled, first locate it and select it in the main screen list of records. After that, click on the edit button on the toolbar.


At this point, the data screen will be opened. The following sections will be available for editing:


hmtoggle_arrow1General data
hmtoggle_arrow1Actual time

hmtoggle_arrow0 Timesheet configuration


After associating the participants, entering the subject of the meeting and filling out the other required fields, use the options below:




Saves the changes performed to the record, but the data screen remains open.

Save and exit

The system will ask whether you wish to send the action plan to the next step. Click on the desired option:

Ok: The record data will be saved and the data screen will be closed. The scheduling will be sent to the next configured step.

Cancel: The record data will be saved and the data screen will be closed. The scheduling will remain pending in the "Planning" step.

Save and new

Saves the performed changes and opens a new screen to create a new scheduling.