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Through this menu the user can create forms in the system. To do that, the table of the form that will be created must be duly configured. Through this menu the user can also export and import forms. The main screen of this menu is displayed in three quadrants. The first quadrant displays the search filter panel, the second quadrant displays the forms created in the system and the third quadrant allows previewing the form selected in the second quadrant, viewing where the form was associated and adding, editing, deleting or changing the status of the form records.


Specific buttons:


In the second quadrant, this button allows adding forms through the following options:

Form: Click on this button to create a form. See further details about the record in the Creating a form section.

Responsive form: Click on this button to create a form. See further details about the record in the Responsive form creation section.

In the third quadrant, in the Record option, this button allows adding records to the form selected in the second quadrant.


In the second quadrant, this button allows editing the form. To do that, click on the arrow next to this button and select one of the following options:

Form designer: Select this option to edit the form modeling. See further details about the form designer in the Form designer section. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Form data: Select this option to edit the form data. See further details about the form data editing in the Editing form data section. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

In the third quadrant, in the Record option, this button allows editing the records in the form selected in the second quadrant. To do that, select the desired record and click on this button.


Click on this button, located in the second quadrant, to delete the selected form. In the third quadrant, in the Record option, this button allows deleting a record from the form. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button, located in the second quadrant, to edit the status (enabled/disabled) of the selected form.

In the third quadrant, in the Record option, this button allows changing the status (active/inactive) of a record from the form. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.


Click on this button to export the selected form. By clicking on this button, the system will download file with .seform extension. See further details about this operation in the Exporting and importing forms section.


Click on this button to import a form into the system. See further details about this operation in the Exporting and importing forms section.


Click on this button to view the main screen in two quadrants.


Click on this button to view the main screen in three quadrants. The view in three quadrants allows to preview the form as well as to view the relationships of the selected form with processes, projects, and other forms.


See more information regarding the tables in the following sections.

Creating a form

Responsive form creation

Editing form data

Responsive form designer

Exporting and importing forms

Form report