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When editing the data of an asset and clicking on the arrow below the Associations section, the following subsections will be displayed:


It is important to point out that it will only be possible to perform the associations below if the respective component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization.



It is possible to track the audits with which the asset was associated. The system allows auditing one or more assets or all assets that are in one or more locations. The audit configurations, as well as the association of assets/locations that will be audited, must be made through the SE Audit component.



Allows associating customers with the asset and viewing all customers associated with the record.



Allows viewing all FMEAs related to the asset. This association is defined through the SE FMEA component, and it will be available in Read-only mode in this section.



It is possible to record the incidents detected in the asset. The system allows adding new incidents or associating incidents already started in the SE Incident component.



It is possible to associate the supplies related to the asset. To do that, click on the button, and on the screen that opens, select the supply and its respective quantity that will be associated with the asset in question. Save the selection and repeat the procedure for all the necessary supplies. Use the other available buttons to edit or delete the association of any supply with the asset.



Allows associating and disassociating Kanban tasks from the asset, as well as creating new Kanban tasks as needed. To create new tasks, it is necessary to have some items previously configured in SE Kanban.



Allows the user to create a new MSA study directly through the asset data, without the need to edit the component.



It is possible to report the problems detected in the asset. The system allows adding new problems or associating problems already started in the SE Problem component.



It is possible to track the process instances with which the asset was associated. In SE Process, assets are associated with processes as resources, provided that in the general parameters is configured to use assets as resources.



It is possible to view the projects with which the asset is associated. Refer to the specific SE Project component documentation for more information.



It is possible to record and view the requests issued for the asset in question. Purchase and asset revision requests are issued by the SE Request component.



It is possible to instantiate processes related to the asset. The system allows starting new workflows or associating workflows that were previously started with the SE Workflow component.