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Checking the asset out for usage

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See how to create the usage event record of an asset:


In the list of records of the second quadrant, locate and select the desired assets. To successfully perform this operation, it is necessary for the selected assets to be available. This information can be obtained through the "AS" column in the list of records of the second quadrant.


After that, click on the button on the side toolbar of the third quadrant. If the selected asset has a structure, once this button is selected, a screen will be displayed where the assets of the structure that will also be moved for usage should be selected. Remember that only the assets of the structure that have been configured with the usage event will be listed.


Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will open up:



Check-out date: Enter the asset check-out date for usage. The system automatically fills in the current date, but it is possible to edit it.

Check-out time: Enter the asset check-out time for usage. The system automatically fills in the current time, but it is possible to edit it.

Check-in deadline: Select the limit date for the asset check-in from usage.


General data

General information about the asset is displayed. The following information may be edited:

Event record: This field is automatically filled in by the system with the record date of the event protocol.

Issued by: The following fields are automatically filled in by the system with the department and the user responsible for issuing the usage event.

Destination: Select the destination (department and responsible) data that will use the asset:

Department: Select the department that you wish to use the asset in the event period. This field can be automatically filled by the system with the default department of the user if the user responsible for using the asset is selected first.

Responsible: Select the user responsible for using the asset being moved. If any department has been selected in the previous field, then it will only be possible to select a user from the previously defined department.

Quantity: Enter the quantity of assets that will be involved in the event.

Reservations: If the asset to be checked out is reserved, select, in this field, the reservation number.

Location - Check-out: This field will only be available when the event data are saved for the first time (step 5). Then, select the changes that have been made to the asset storage place. The asset location data screen has been described in detail in the Management Asset location section.


If the asset being checked-out has a structure, this tab will also show the other assets of the structure that were selected, during the recording of the event, to be checked-out together with the upper-level asset.


Save the record after filling in the fields above; however, do not close the data screen. If an asset in the event is associated with an expired plan, the system will list the plan that has expired, questioning whether the user wishes to continue with the event. If the user chooses to continue with the event, the remaining tabs will be available for completion.


Check-out cost

This tab displays all the costs that were associated with the asset event (File Event configuration menu). For each displayed cost, then it is necessary to enter a value in the list of records itself.

The Check-in cost tab will only be enabled in the "Check-in from usage" event.



The Attribute tab displays all the attributes that were associated with the asset event. Therefore, those that are required must necessarily have their values filled in. To do that, just enter them in the list of records itself.


The association of attributes to the asset is performed done the File Event configuration menu.



Allows entering comments about the asset usage.


Save the record.


Once an asset is checked out for usage, the system will generate the Check-in from usage activity for the users of the team responsible for the event.