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Finishing a verification activity

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To finish a verification activity, first locate the verifications whose status is "Execution", which are identified by the icon in the S column.


Use the Search filters, located on the left side of the main screen, to find the desired verification more easily.


After that, click on the button to open the verification data in edit mode.


In the General data General data section, fill in the fields related to the verification execution:



Execution: Enter the data related to the start of the verification activity execution:

End: Enter the end date of the verification. This field may be automatically filled if the Actual % field has been filled in with 100%.

Time: Enter the end time of the verification.

Duration: This field is automatically filled in by the system with the number of hours during which the activity was in execution.

Actual %: As soon as the end date is filled in, this field if filled in with 100%. If this field is filled in with 100%, the execution of the activity will be finished, that is, the End date will be filled in with the current date.


After entering all the necessary information regarding the verification execution, save the record and click on the Execute button to send the execution to the next step. The system will ask whether you wish to send the verification to the next step. If not confirmed, this action may also be performed by clicking on the button, located in the third quadrant on the main screen, or through the Verification programming activity. If confirmed, the record may continue to one of the following steps:

Execution approval: The record will move on to this task if the standard activity associated with the verification plan is configured with the execution approval step

Finished: If the approval step is not configured in the activity, then the verification will be finished.


It is worth remembering that if the integration with SE Storeroom is configured in the general parameters, there may be output events that are automatically closed with the activity.