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Inventorying assets - Approval

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This section will only be displayed if the "Execution approval" option has been checked in the inventory activity General data during its creation/planning. In this section, the system will display information about the approval step of the inventory activity execution. The completion of some fields in this section depends on the configuration performed on the inventory activity during its creation/planning:


Responsibility route: Responsibility route that will approve the execution of the activity. Filling in this field depends on the route type associated in the standard activity:

Variable: For this type, it will be allowed to select any other responsibility route in the respective field, change its members or even associate new responsible parties.

Fixed: For this type, it will be allowed to select any other responsibility route in the respective field; however, its members CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Fixed & unique: For this type, no changes will be allowed. In this case, the information about the responsibility route will be available FOR VIEWING PURPOSES ONLY.

Approval type: Select whether the approval type will circular or incremental.

Cycle: This field indicates the approval cycle.

Wait for all members approval: If this field is checked, it indicates that the record will only continue to the next step when all route members release their tasks.


The list of records displays the sequence of the parties responsible for the approval route.

The members of the route will receive the Inventory execution approval task.