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Inventorying assets - General data

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During the execution step, by opening the inventory data screen, the Execution section will be displayed by default, allowing the execution of the assets inventory of the activity. On the upper part, there is a progress bar that displays the assets inventory execution percentage. It is also possible to filter the listing through the following filters:

All: It displays all assets of the inventory activity in question.

To do: It displays only the assets that have yet to be found in the location.

Done: It displays the assets that were found in the location and that have not been edited.

Done changed: It displays the assets that were found and that have gone through a change.

Done exceeding: It displays the assets that were found in the location and that were not planned in the inventory.

Done not found: It displays the assets that were not found in the location.

Rejected: It displays the assets that were rejected during the Inventory execution approval step. That is, if the inventory activity, configured with execution approval, has its execution rejected, it will return to the execution step and this filter will allow viewing the rejected assets.


See the operations available for inventory execution:


Execute asset inventory found
Edit asset information
Add new asset to the location
Execute inventory of asset not found


As soon as every asset has been inventoried, save the record and click on the Execute button to send the execution to the next step. Sending the execution to the next step can also be performed by clicking on the button, which can be found in the toolbars of both the Inventory execution menu and the Verification programming task. By sending the execution to the next step, the inventory record may proceed to one of the following steps:

Inventory execution approval: The record will proceed to this task if the "Execution approval" task has been checked in the inventory activity General data during its creation/planning.

Finished: If the approval step has not been configured in the activity, then the inventory will be finished.