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Resources control details

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When accessing the "Management Resources control" menu, the main screen will be displayed as follows:



(A) The Activity panel (backlog) will list all activities that are in the "Planning" status. Activities that have been submitted for execution and/or approval will no longer be part of this list. Use the button to filter the activities by the ID #/name, which are in a certain step (on time, alert or past due), that were planned in a certain period, that were predicted for a certain position or that are under the responsibility of a particular team.


(B) The Resource panel (list of technicians) will list the (technical) resources recorded in the system. Displays only (technical) resources that have at least one association with a service center. The availability of the technician is related to the schedule associated with that user. Remember that if the "Do not display resources from other business units" option is checked in the General parameters in the resource panel, the system will not display the resources of different business units of the unit that the logged user belongs to. If necessary, use the button to filter the resources displayed in this panel. The filter will perform the search according to the number of resource hours and according to the selected period (day/week/month). Example: Weekly period: The technician is over-allocated for 2 days, but the total hours of the period did not exceed the availability of this technician. When searching for over-allocated, this technician will not be listed.


(C) The Period filters automatically update the resource allocation vision (D). The possible visions are by Day, Week and Month, with the week field being the default. The system will always display according to the current week.


(D) The system will display in the Workload the scheduled time for the technician (B) according to the period being displayed (C). For activities that the actual time was entered, the system will replace the planned value by the actual value. Then there may be differences in availability when accessing the workload at different times of the day or period since the update will be constant. To associate an activity with a resource, simply drag the desired activity to the area that corresponds to the desired day. Each rectangle in this panel shows the number of activities allocated per day for the (technical) resource. The colors and fill design indicate the allocation status: Available, Allocated, Full, Over-allocated and Unavailable.


(E) Clicking on the Send activities button will display a screen where the user can select which activities (A) will be sent to the next step. On the selection screen, the system will display the same activities as the backlog, that is, if the user has used filters to list the activities of the backlog, then the same filter will be applied to the list of activities that can be sent for execution and/or approval. In the modal presented, the distinction will be between the activities with allocation and the activities without allocation.