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Original document loan collection

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Location: Execution arrowrgray Original document loan collection



Loaned document


Bar code reader



Through this menu, the user responsible for the repository to which the loaned documents belong can track the return deadline and confirm when documents were returned. The status of the return deadline for the loaned documents displayed can be viewed through the D column in the list of records.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to record the return of documents selected in the list of records. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one document at a time. See more details on this operation in the Original document loan collection section.


Click on this button to register, through barcode reading, the return of one or more loaned documents. For further information on this operation, see Original document loan collection.


Click on the arrow located next to this button and select the desired option:

View record data: Allows viewing the screen of the loan record of the document selected in the list of records.

View document data: Allows viewing the data screen of the document selected in the list of records. View the specific documentation of the SE Document component for further details on the data screen of a document.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Use the "Search fields" to easily retrieve the desired records based on specific information. Use View arrowrgrayy Service record menu for a detailed description of the search fields.