Who receives it:
Users who were defined as addressees when dispatching the protocol.
The start and dispatch of the protocol is performed.
Verify whether the started protocol is in order and, in case affirmative, confirm its receiving, among other options.
How to execute this task:
In the list of pending records, select the desired protocol.
After that, click on the button on the toolbar.
On the screen that will be opened, set if the protocol will be accepted or not and fill out the other required fields. See the detailed description of the fields displayed on this screen in the Confirming protocol receiving section.
If the protocol is accepted, its receiving status (RS column) will be changed to "Accepted". If you wish, from this moment on, it will be possible to end its protocol processing. See more information about the protocol closure in the Finishing a protocol section.
If the protocol is not accepted, its receiving status will be changed to "Rejected". In this case, it will be sent to the inbox of the user who issued it, so that the necessary adjustments are performed. In doing so, it will be necessary to dispatch the protocol again. See more information about the protocol dispatch in the Dispatching/restarting a protocol section.
This operation can also be performed through the Execution Inbox menu.