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Problem solving - Docvariables

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Before viewing the statuses listed below, make sure all steps and parameterizations described in the Using docvariables in electronic files section have been performed.


Due to an incompatibility between docvariables (Microsoft Office only) and variables (LibreOffice only), metadata (variables and docvariables) will not be filled out/updated if a document in Microsoft Office formats (e.g.: .docx, .xlsx, etc.) is converted to LibreOffice or if a document in LibreOffice formats (e.g.: .odt, .ods, etc.) is converted to Microsoft Office.


When viewing the electronic file, the metadata will be exported to an .exp file with the same name as the file being viewed.





When viewing the electronic file, the docvariable is displayed filled out, but not after downloading it

The docvariables were not updated when the file was associated with the document.

If the server is Linux, request the system administrator to check the Filemanager configuration.

The docvariables were not updated when the file was converted to PDF

The file is being converted by LibreOffice and not by Word.

If the server is:

Linux: Request the system administrator to check the Filemanager configuration and/or log.

Windows: Request the system administrator to check if the MSOffice applications are installed in the server.

Refer to the System requirements technical document for further details about the versions of Microsoft Office that are compatible with SoftExpert Document.

The applications are not installed in the server.