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Sending printed copies

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See how to send printed copies:


Through My tasks Execution Printed copies sending:


1.Select the document copies that will be sent.


2.After that, click on the button in the toolbar.


3.At this point, the screen for issuing the protocol of the copies to be replaced will be displayed. Enter the protocol ID #, select the reason, register the necessary comments and adjust the responsible party for the receiving. The list of documents will display the pending document and it will not be possible to edit it. View the Issuing a copy protocol for a detailed description about this screen.


4.Save the record. At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to view the report for printing. Choose the desired option:


OK: A report on the issued copy protocol will be displayed and the system will generate the Confirmation that copies have been received task for those responsible for the station.

Cancel: The system will generate the Received copies confirmation task for those responsible for the station so that they confirm their receiving, and the printing report will not be displayed.