Activity execution
Who is notified:
User(s) defined as executor(s) of the activity during the modeling of the process (SE Process) that automates the workflow
Following the flow of the process, when the time comes for the activity to be executed.
To alert the responsible ones that there are activities to be executed.
Users with the "Basic" license can only execute the activities of processes they started, that is, activities assigned to the process starter. The other activities will be enabled by accessing with a "Staff" or "Manager" license.
Specific Buttons:

Click on this button to open the workflow activity data in execution mode. If the selected activity is defined for a group (functional role, area or department/position), then the system will ask if you wish to associate the activity with your user. If the question is confirmed, the activity will be associated with you and the activity data will be displayed in execution mode; otherwise, the activity will continue to be associated with the group and the activity data will be displayed in the search mode.

Click on this button to view the workflow data.

Click on this button to view the flowchart of the workflow instance.

Click on this button to associate the execution of an activity with authenticated user, that is, the activity stops being a group responsibility (functional role, department/role, department or department/position) and starts being an exclusive responsibility of user who took it. This button will only be enabled if the activity executor is not a User.

Click on this button to disassociate the execution of an activity with authenticated user, that is, the activity stops being an exclusive responsibility and starts being a group responsibility (functional role, department/role, department or department/position) allowing any user who belongs to it, to execute it. This button will only be enabled if the executor of the activity is a User.
How to execute this task:
In the list of pending records, select the workflow you wish to execute. If necessary, use the Search filters panel to locate the desired records. After that, click on the button on the toolbar.
The system allows executing several tasks at the same time, but it is necessary for the tasks to belong to the same activity, process and revision. It will not be possible to execute the tasks in batches if there are incomplete attributes or form fields.
After selecting the tasks, click on the button. A screen will be displayed in which it will be possible to add Comments and Attachments to all selected activities. Then, click on the button that corresponds to the action that will be executed in the instances. Both the comments and the attachments will be added to all selected instances.
If the party responsible for the activity is a group (department, position, team or functional role), the system will question whether the user wishes to assume the responsibility for the execution of the activity. Click on OK to associate the activity with authenticated user. Click on Cancel to display the activity data screen, but its execution cannot be associated.
Use the RT (responsibility type) column of the list of records to identify the responsibility type for performing each activity (functional role, department/role, department, department/position, user or system). Hover the mouse over the icon to identify what they represent.
At this point, the system displays the activity data screen:

The image shown above is only illustrative and aims to represent the fields and buttons that can be displayed in the activity data screen. It is important to mention the fields and buttons available vary according to the configurations defined during process registration and modeling (SE Process).
In the Navigation panel, it is possible to enter significant data for the execution of the activity. For further information, see Entering the data of an activity.
It is important to note that this panel will not be displayed if in the activity data (Configuration Form) the "Show form only in activity execution" option has been checked during the process assembly.
Click on the Save button to only save the data that is entered in the activity data screen without executing it, that is, the activity will remain in the list of pending records and will not continue in the process flow.
The Enter time button will be displayed if SE Suite has, along with SE Workflow, an active license for the SE Time Control component. By clicking on this button, the timesheet screen will be displayed. Refer to the specific SE Time Control for more details on timesheets.
Click on the Comment button to add a comment to the instance history. After clicking on this button, a screen will be displayed in which the comment must be entered, allowing a user to be notified by mentioning them through @user. If the process is configured with the "Enter requester" option, the "Set comment as restricted" option will only be displayed when the "Allow entering requester" option is configured in the process data (Configurations Instance). This allows the comment to be viewed by users who have permission to view the instance and who are not set as requesters.
The entered comment will be displayed in the History section of the Navigation panel.
The Identification section will only be displayed if in the activity data (Configuration Instance), during the process modeling, the "Enable ID # change" option and/or the "Enable title change" option has been checked. This section allows changing the identification data of the workflow to which the activity belongs. By clicking on the button of this option, the system will display a screen where it is possible to fill in the following information:

ID #: This field is filled out with the ID # generated during workflow start. This field can only be changed if the "Enable ID # change" option is checked in the activity data (Configuration Instance). The ID # will be generated according to the preset configurations in the process data screen.
Title: This field is filled out with the title entered during workflow start. This field can only be changed if the "Enable title change" option is checked in the activity data (Configuration Instance). This title can be entered by the user, or it will be a default title, according to the configurations made in the process data screen.
Description: Enter any relevant information on the workflow to which the activity under execution belongs to. It is important to note that if:
▪In the process data (Configuration Instance) if the "Enable description information" option is not checked; this field will not be displayed. ▪In the process data (Configuration Instance) if the "Enable description information" option is checked, but in the activity data (Configuration Instance) it is not checked, this field will be displayed but will not be enabled for editing.
The Upper instance or Lower instance section will only be displayed if the workflow is a subprocess or contains a subprocess that has already been started in its flowchart.

▪Upper instance: Allows to view the instance data of the upper level process of the workflow whose activities are being executed. ▪Lower instance: Allows to view the instance data of the lower level processes (sub-processes) of the workflow whose activities are being executed.
The History section will be displayed on the button bar instead of the Navigation panel (within the activity data) if in the activity data (Configurations Form), during the process modeling, the "Show form only in activity execution" option has been checked. Through this section, it is possible to view the main events that occurred during the execution of the workflow until the current date. By checking the "Show all history" option, all events that have occurred until the current date will be displayed in detail.
To add a comment, click on the Comment button, located on the upper right corner of the History section. On the screen that will be displayed, enter the comment you wish and if necessary, check the "Set comment as restricted" option so that the comment is not visible to the requester. The comment will be displayed in the timeline. It is possible to edit the comment or delete it from the timeline through the Edit and Delete buttons in the comment event.
Note that:
▪If the activity has multiple executors, a comment may only be edited/deleted by the user who added it and only during the execution of the activity. ▪If the activity does NOT have multiple executors, a comment may be edited/deleted during the execution of the activity, regardless of who added it. |
The Flowchart section will be displayed on the button bar instead of the Navigation panel (within the activity data) if in the activity data (Configurations Form), during the process modeling, the "Show form only in activity execution" option has been checked. Through this section, it is possible to view the flowchart of the instantiated process, enabling to follow in which point of the flow is occurring the execution of the activity.
Hover the mouse over the flowchart elements (activities, sub process, decision etc.) to view their data (status, start date, executor etc.). Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Process component for further details on process flowcharts.
The Message event section will be displayed if during the process modeling, in the activity data (Configuration Instance), the "Enable message event change" option has been checked and there is a message event configured in the respective field. In the section, it is possible to edit the process event message data associated with the activity that is running. The following data screen will display:

View the specific documentation of the SE Process component, in the "Process flowchart Editing item data Events" section, for a detailed description of the fields displayed in the event data screen.
In Tools section, user can find the following options:
▪Report: Enables to configure and generate reports of workflow data the activity under execution belongs to. You can set if the report will show the attributes and/or its history. ▪Form report: This button will only display if the activity has an associated form (SE Form). Displays the form to be able to print it.
In Actions section, after entering all required fields, click on the button on the action to be taken to execute the activity. At this point, the next flow activity will be released to the corresponding executor. For further information on the actions that can be performed in the activities, refer to the Execution actions section.
If authenticated user is also the executor of the next activity, the system will ask if you wish to execute it. If so, the activity data screen will be displayed for filling.
Use the other toolbar buttons to view: the data, the flowchart of a workflow and issue the available reports for the menu.
If the process that automates the workflow has asynchronous system activities in its flow, its execution can be accompanied by the manager of the process/instance, through the "Management Workflow" menu.