In the Navigation panel, on the left side of the activity data screen, it is possible to enter information and associate objects that will complement the activity. Select the desired option and fill out the fields that will be displayed on the right side of the screen:

In this area, the information about the execution of the activity is presented, such as starter, requester, priority, deadline, and description.
This is the Navigation panel, which allows you to access the various sections that may be configured in the activity. This panel may not be displayed if, in the activity data (Configurations Form), the "Show form only in activity execution" option has been checked.
This section displays information regarding the menu selected in the Navigation panel.
This area displays some submenus that have been configured for the activity. They may be available in the activity to fill out the forms, attributes, requirements, checklist, sub-activities, among others.
This area will display the associations (with other components of the system) that can be carried out in the activity. The displayed associations depend on the configuration performed in the activity (Configurations Association) and the availability of the component in the license key.
The image above is for illustrative purposes only and aims to exemplify the sections and fields that may be displayed in the Navigation panel. It is important to note that their availability will vary according to the configurations set during the creation and modeling of the process (SE Process).
This area (D) displays some submenus that have been configured for the activity. The configuration of these submenus is done during process modeling, through the "Configurations" section in the activity data.
In the panel, from the highlighted area (A), the information about the activity execution is available. The following information/configurations are available:
Starter: This field displays the name and photo of the user who started the process. Click on the name or photo of the starter of the workflow to which the activity belongs, to view its data.
Requester: To enter the requester, then, click on the button and, on the screen that will open, enter the requester of the workflow.
▪This field will only be displayed if, in the process data (Configurations Instance), the "Allow entering requester" option is checked. In order for the executor to be able to enter or change the requester, the "Allow editing requester" option must have been checked in the configuration of the activity (Configurations Instance) that is under execution. ▪It is also important to point out that, according to the configuration performed in process data (Configuration Instance), the requester may be a system user or a customer (company). |
Enter priority: This option will only be displayed if, in the process data (Configuration Instance), an evaluation method is associated. To enter the priority, click on the button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the result of each evaluation criterion. The method used to enter the values and available criteria, will vary according to the configurations during registration of the evaluation method (SE Process).
In order for the executor to be able to inform or change the priority, the "Allow priority editing" option must have been checked in the activity configuration (Configurations Instance) that is under execution.
Activity deadline: This option shows whether the activity has a deadline and if it has, whether it is on time or past due.
The deadline of an activity is defined by filling out the Duration field of the activity data screen, during process modeling. The system calculates the deadline based on the default calendar used by the process.
Description: If during the start of the workflow, the description has been entered, it will be presented in this field. Otherwise, click on the button to enter or change the workflow description.
In order for the executor to be able to enter or change the description, the "Enable description change" option must have been checked in the activity configuration (Configurations Instance) that is under execution.
By selecting the "upper level" item of the area corresponding to the activity data (D), the descriptions and documents of the workflow process and the respective activity that is running will be displayed:
Process description: In this panel, the system will display the description entered in the process data (SE Process). This description may, for example, contain information about the use of the process in question in the organization.
Activity description: In this panel, the system will display the description entered in the activity data, during the process modeling (SE Process). This description may, for example, contain information about what should be done during the execution of the activity, or what is expected to be achieved with the activity execution.
Process document: This panel displays the associated documents in the process data (Documentation Document). These documents can be used as normative documents, that is, they can be used as templates for possible views. To do that, use the buttons on the side toolbar of each field to view the electronic file or the document data.
Activity document: This panel displays the associated documents in the activity data (Documentation Document). These documents can be used as normative documents, that is, they can be used as templates for possible views. To do that, use the buttons on the side toolbar of each field to view the electronic file or the document data.
The forms section will only be displayed if a form is associated in the activity data (Configuration Form). Therefore, if the activity has been configured with a form, then the first item presented in section (B) corresponds to the activity form.
By default, when there is an associated form, it will be selected by the system and may be fill-only or view-only, depending on the configuration made at the time of its association with the activity. If the "Show form only in activity execution" option is checked in the activity, then, the activity execution is only summarized by completing the form, that is, there will be no attributes or checklists to be filled during the activity execution. In the case of a process with some automation, a new button will be displayed in the toolbar (Ribbon) to allow associating the required object, such as "Revision document".
When it is enabled, the form filling will vary according to the modeling of the form. Therefore, fill in all required fields.
Remember that depending on the configurations set in the activity action, during process modeling, the form will only be saved successfully if it follows the configured rule.
The Attribute section will only be displayed if one or more attributes are associated in the activity data (Configuration Attribute). Therefore, enter the value of the attributes that complement the activity. Those attributes that are required must, necessarily, have their values filled in. Blocked attributes will be filled out by the system with the default value defined during the association with the activity of the process that is being executed. Remember that the procedure to fill out an attribute, varies according to the configurations established when the attribute is created (SE Process).
The Checklist section will only be displayed if a checklist is associated in the activity data (Configuration Checklist). In the Checklist section, the system will display a list of questions that will help the party responsible to execute the activity properly. To answer them, select, from the corresponding column, the option that matches the desired answer for each question: Yes, No, or N/A. According to the configurations made at the time of the checklist creation (SE Process), the completion of the Comments may be mandatory or not.
Remember the questions can be answered by the system with a Default answer, according to the configurations made during the checklist creation.
The Requirement section will only be displayed if a requirement is associated in the activity data (Configuration Requirement). This section presents the requirements configured for the activity, in which documents or attachments may be associated, according to the configuration defined during its creation. To do that, fill out the fields of the Attachment/Document column using the following buttons:
To do this, click on the button, located in the Attachment/Document column, and select the attachment/document that will be associated with the requirement. It is important to note that only the attachments and documents that were previously associated with the current activity will be available for selection. Use the remaining buttons in this column if is necessary to add a new document/attachment, view or clear the selected document/attachment.
The Sub-activity section will only be displayed if, in the activity data (Configurations Instance), the "Allow creating sub-activities" option has been checked. In this section, the user can add complementary activities to be performed during the execution of the workflow. In addition to the workflow sub-activity, the system allows creating or associating SE Kanban tasks, as long as it is part of the solutions acquired by the organization.
The following buttons will be available:
All activities: Allows filtering the previously associated kanban tasks, process activities, or displaying all activities.
Associate: Allows associating tasks previously created in SE Kanban. Then, select the desired tasks and click on the "Save and exit" button.
Create: Select the desired option below and fill out the corresponding information:
▪Activity: Allows creating a process activity. ▪Kanban task: Allows creating a kanban task. If you wish to dissociate an activity or task, click on the button on the upper corner of the card.
Check the "Wait for sub-activities execution so that current activity can be executed" option to define that sub-activities must be performed before the process activity that is under execution. In order to do it, use the buttons on the side toolbar, as necessary:
▪The sub-activity should be performed in a way that is similar to the activity of process activity, that is, it will be displayed in the list of pending records of main screen. After filling out the required fields, click on the "Execute" button in the Actions section. ▪Notice the sub-activity will not display in the process flowchart; it will only be identified through an icon, in the element that represents the activity of the process it belongs to. |
The File form section will only be displayed if a file form is associated in the activity data (Configuration File form). This section displays the file forms that were associated with the activity, at the time of the process modeling. Use the side toolbar buttons, as necessary:

Click on this button to view and/or edit the electronic file of the form selected in the list of records. Remember, it will only be possible to edit the file if the Read-only column is not checked in the activity data screen, during process modeling (SE Process).

After viewing the electronic file and performing the necessary changes, click on this button to release it. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the file selected in the list of records.
The Task section will only be displayed if a task is associated in the activity data (Configuration Task). This section presents the tasks that must be performed during the activity execution. To indicate that a task has been executed, click on the side toolbar button and fill the following fields on the screen that will open:

The Task field is automatically filled by the system with the name of the task under execution.
On the General tab, the following fields related to activity execution are available:
Execution responsibility: Check the corresponding option and fill out the fields that will be enabled:
▪Department: Select the department whose users are responsible for the execution of the task. Use the other buttons next to the field to create a new department, fill in the field with the logged user department or clear the filled in value. ▪Position: Select the position of the users who are responsible for the execution of the task. Use the other buttons placed next to the field to create a new position, fill in the field with the position of the logged user or clear the filled in value. ▪Department/Position: Select, in the respective fields, the department and position of the users responsible for the execution of the task. ▪User: Select the user who is responsible for the execution of the task. Use the other buttons placed next to the field to create a new user, fill the field with the logged user data or clear the filled value. ▪Other: Enter the party responsible for the execution of the task. Actual: Enter in the following fields, the task percentage that has been executed:
▪Start: This field is filled with the current date, but it can be edited. In this case, select the date when task execution started. ▪End: Select the end date for task execution. ▪Actual duration: Enter the actual time of task execution. ▪Expected duration: This field is filled with the estimated time for task execution, defined in SE Process. |
Use the Comment tab to enter relevant information about the execution of the task.
Save the record after filling out the fields.
The Revision objects section will only be displayed if the workflow refers to the revision of the objects. The name of this section varies according to the object being revised. For example: Revision document, Revision item, Revision asset, etc.
In this section, the system displays the objects that are undergoing revision through workflow. Use the buttons on the side toolbar to perform the necessary operations. Notice the available buttons vary according to the object type and the revision status. View the specific documentation of the component to which the document being revised for further details.
In the Comments section, information regarding the execution of the activity should be entered. Filling out this field is mandatory, if the activity executor wishes to delegate the activity to another user or return the flow to the execution of the activity before the current activity. This field may also be required if the action to be performed on the action is configured with the mandatory completion of the "Comments" item.
The Survey section will be displayed if in the activity data (Configurations Survey) a survey template is associated. In this section, the survey that was created from the associated template in the workflow process will be presented in execution mode. The survey can be answered through both the activity execution screen and the Answer survey task of SE Survey.
It is worth remembering that if there is any responsible team defined in the survey template, then the survey presented in the activity can only be answered by the members of this team, that is, the survey will not be enabled to fill in for the executor of the workflow activity in question.
Use the Attachment section to add attachments related to the activity that is being executed. The Attachment section may be displayed in the Navigation panel or in the activity Form: This section will be displayed in the form if the attachment container is modelled in the form. Otherwise, this section will be displayed in the Navigation panel. At the top of this section, it is possible to select the following options:
▪All levels: Displays, in the list of records, the attachments that were included during the execution of an activity of any workflow level. ▪Current instance: Displays, in the list of records, the attachments that were included during the execution of all workflow activities. ▪Activity under execution: Displays, in the list of records, only the attachments that were added during the execution of the activity.
Note that:
▪If the activity has multiple executors, an attachment may only be edited/deleted by the user who added it and only during the execution of the activity. ▪If the activity does NOT have multiple executors, an attachment may be edited/deleted during the execution of the activity, regardless of who added it. For further details on how to associate attachments with the record, see the Adding attachments section.
Through the History section, located in the Navigation panel, it is possible to view the main events that occurred during the workflow execution up to the current date. By checking the "Show all history" option, all events occurring until the current date will be displayed in detail.
To add a comment, click on the "Comment" button displayed below each event that occurred in the instance. It is also possible to add comments by clicking on the "Comment" button in the instance button panel. On the screen that will be displayed, record the desired comment. The added comment will be displayed in the timeline or hierarchically below the commented event. It is possible to edit the comment or delete it through the Edit and Delete buttons in the comment event.
Note that:
▪If the activity has multiple executors, a comment may only be edited/deleted by the user who added it and only during the execution of the activity. ▪If the activity does NOT have multiple executors, a comment may be edited/deleted during the execution of the activity, regardless of who added it. ▪The system adds an event to the history when a comment is edited/deleted. |
Through the Flowchart section, it is possible to view the flowchart of the instantiated process, that enables to track the execution point of the activity.
Hover the mouse over the flowchart elements (activities, sub process, decision etc.) to view their data (status, start date, executor etc.). Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Process component for further details on process flowcharts.
The Security section will only be displayed to the process starter if the "Enable starter to edit instance viewing permissions" option is checked in the process security data (SE Process).
Through this section, during the execution of any task in which the starter is responsible for the execution, the starter can define the users who may or may not see the instance in question. To do that, use the following buttons:

Click on this button to add a new view permission to the workflow in question. It is important to note that the starter can only assign the View control to the new access control. For further information on this operation, refer to the Security section.

Click on this button to edit a new view permission to the workflow in question. For further information on this operation, refer to the Security section.

Click on this button to delete a new view permission to the workflow in question. Select the desired record before clicking on this button.
In the Associations section, in the highlighted area (E), it is possible to associate items from other components with the activity. Access the subsection corresponding to the object you wish to associate with the activity. In the upper part of the sections of some objects, it is possible to select the following options:
▪Current instance: Displays, in the list of records, the objects that were included during the execution of other workflow activities. ▪Activity under execution: Displays, in the list of records, only the objects that were added during the execution of the current activity.
Refer to the Associations section for further details on the association of objects with the workflow activity data.
If in the configuration of the action to be executed has been defined, during the process modeling (SE Process), that an association is mandatory, then, to execute the activity with the desired action will only be possible after the object is associated in the activity.
Click on the Save button to only save the data entered in the activity data screen without executing it, that is, the activity will remain in the list of pending records and will not proceed in the process flow.