This section is valid for automated processes for object revision. This automation type must be configured during process creation, in its data screen, "General data" section. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Process component for more details on configuring an automation.
The objects that have a process as a revision template, in addition to the option to create a revision of the object itself, may also create it by manually starting the workflow. To do that, first, access the WF003 menu (Execution Start) in SE Workflow. Then, locate the revision workflow and perform the procedure to start a workflow as usual.
When you click on the Play button of the revision process card you wish to instantiate, the following screen will be displayed:

Process: This field is filled by the system with the process data selected on main screen. Use the buttons next to this field to view the flowchart or process data screen.
Title: Enter a title for the workflow that is being started.
On the toolbar next to the tab, click on the button to select the objects that will be covered by the revision workflow. On the selection screen that will open, use the search filters to narrow down the search.
▪The image displayed above refers to a document revision workflow. Note that the name of the tab, where the object is associated, varies according to the object that will be revised. For example: Item, Asset, FMEA etc. ▪It can be associated to the same instance, as many objects as needed, however, each object can only be associated to one instance of a revision process, that is, if the object is already under revision, it cannot be associated in another process revision. ▪On the Description tab, enter the details of the workflow that will be started. These data can be configured in SE Process component, but the starter can edit them as required. |
After that, save the record. At this point, the system will display an alert with the ID # of the started workflow.
The object revision data screen will also be displayed. Refer to the component-specific documentation for the object under revision, for further details on how to fill out the revision data screen.
The execution of revision workflow activities must be done through the Activity execution task.