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Adding initiative revisions

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After their approval, the initiatives are released and may be identified in the "IS" column in the list of records by the bandeira icon. SE Portfolio enables, if needed, these initiatives to be revised if some information contained in them needs to be changed. See how to do it:



In the list of records, select the released initiative that will go through revision.



After that, click on the edit_file button on the toolbar.



At this point, the initiative data screen will open up. If you wish, change the ID # and name of the initiative and save the record. Remember that the way to edit the ID # may vary according to the configuration performed in the initiative type.



At this point, it will be possible to edit the fields of the other tabs of the initiative data screen, as needed. Save the records after making the necessary changes. If necessary, refer to the Creating initiatives for a detailed description about the fields on the initiative data screen.



The initiative being revised will be displayed in the list of records and may be identified, in the IS column, by the revisao icon. It is important to point out that even if the initiative record is not changed, a new record with the same ID # and name as the initiative being revised will be displayed in the list of records.


Use the "Search filters" to find the desired initiatives more easily based on specific information. After revising the initiative, it must be sent again to evaluation by the due responsible parties.

See the Management arrowrgrayy Initiative evaluation menu for further details about this operation.