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Creating an item

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To edit the data of an item, select it in the list of records and click on the bt_alterar button.


On the item data screen that will be opened, the following fields will be available:





ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the item. The system allows items to be created with the same ID # and name, provided that their types are different.


Enter a name for the item.


Select the type that will classify the item. This field will be displayed filled out by the system if, in the main screen search panel hierarchy, an item type is selected; however, it is possible to edit it.

Unit cost ($)

Enter the unit value of the item. If, in the occurrence classification (Classification arrowrgray Identification arrowrgray Item tab), the "Request quantity" option is checked, when creating the occurrence, only the total quantity of items may be entered.


Check this option to indicate that the item in question can be measured. Define, in the respective field, a measurement unit to be used when measuring it.


After saving the record, the following tabs will also be available:




After performing the desired configurations, save the record.