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Approving the occurrence identification

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See how to approve the identification of an occurrence:



In the list of records on main screen, select the desired occurrence.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the bt_executar_pend button on the toolbar.



At this point, the occurrence data screen will be displayed. The fields will be filled out with the data entered during its identification and some of them will be available for editing.





Access the General tab arrowrgray Identification arrowrgray Approval section. The following fields are available:



Select the "Yes" option to approve or the "No" option to reject the occurrence identification.


Select the desired option:

Continue: The occurrence will follow the flow defined in the occurrence classification.

Finish: The occurrence will be finished. This option is only available if in the Configuration arrowrgray General parameters menu, the "Allow occurrence to be finished in the identification approval step?" option is configured as Yes.


This field will only be displayed if the Request legitimate indicator option is configured in the General tab of the occurrence classification. It must be filled out by the last approver and it indicates whether the occurrence record is legitimate. In the case of rejection, filling in this field is not mandatory.


Record comments on the approval of the occurrence identification. If it is rejected, use this field to enter a reason.


Displays the sequence of approvers of the responsibility route through the occurrence. If the occurrence identification has been previously rejected and is going through a new approval, the system displays its approval cycles.



After filling out all the necessary fields, save the record:

If the occurrence identification is approved, the actions will be released for the next step defined in the method associated with its classification. When approving the occurrence identification, a notification will be sent to the due involved parties if the respective option has been checked in the Notification tab of the occurrence classification.

If the occurrence identification is rejected, the occurrence will return to the user who issued it so that the responsible party can perform the necessary adjustments.


This operation may also be performed by the users responsible for the occurrence approval through the Occurrence identification approval task.