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Finishing the APQP/PPAP planning

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See below how to finish the planning of an APQP/PPAP and send the record to the next step (revision or execution):


If the APQP/PPAP being planned does not have revision control, the Send to next step button will be enabled on the record data screen after all necessary data has been configured, filled out and saved. Thus, click on this button for it to be possible to send the APQP/PPAP to the execution step. This action may also be executed on the record screen. Simply select the APQP/PPAP and click on More arrowrgray next (Send to next step), or use the APQP/PPAP planning task.


If the APQP/PPAP revision is controlled by the system (ISO900 based or Workflow), the APQP/PPAP revision task will have been created when the record was saved for the first time, as long as all required data is filled out. If you have access to the "Management arrowrgray APQP/PPAP revision" menu, this task will also be available.


Refer to the APQP/PPAP revision section for details on how to create a revision of an already created APQP/PPAP.