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Location: Execution arrowrgray Transfer form - issue arrowrgray Intermediate



Document (SE Document)



At this menu, transfer forms of documents that will be archived in intermediate step are issued. To do so, in the category of the registered document, the Archive control should be enabled and the associated record retention schedule should have the Intermediate step duly configured. In this record retention schedule the user should also determine the deadline that the responsible users will have, to issue the transfer form.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to issue an intermediate transfer form. It is possible to select more than one document in the list of records and issue them in the same transfer form, provided they have the same record retention schedule with the same revision associated with its category. Such information can be viewed through the "Record retention schedule" and "Revision" columns on the list of records. See how to issue a form in the Intermediate form issuance section.


Click on this button to view the data screen of the document associated with the transfer form selected in the list of records.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


If in the Configuration arrowrgrayp General parameters menu arrowrgrayp Physical file tab, the "Automatically send document to the archiving task after saving it in the system" option is checked and the registered document is being sent to the first archiving step, the transfer form of this step will NOT be issued, that is, the document will continue directly to Intermediate archiving.

If this is not the first document archiving step and the retention deadline of prior archiving step has not been reached yet, the desired form may fail to be displayed in the list of records; however, it is possible to issue it before. To do so, add the "Repository" filter to the search filters panel, use the fields of "Retention deadline" section to enter how many days before you wish to issue the form and click on the "Search" button. Transfer forms that can be issued and are compatible with the anticipation period that has been entered, will be displayed in the list of records.

If the "Enable record user's department to issue transfer form" option is checked in the general parameters, the transfer form can be issued by any user who belongs to the same department of the user who registered the document.

Use the other "Search fields" to easily retrieve records based on specific information.