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Editing FMEA data

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To edit the data of an FMEA, select the desired record and click on the button on the main screen toolbar.

Note: Only the responsible team can edit the FMEA data. If the type that classifies the FMEA has revision control, then it is only possible to edit the FMEA data when it is under revision through the FMEA revision task. If the record does not have revision control, click on the "Release version" button on the data screen. To revise the record later, it will be necessary to enable editing. It will also be possible to discard the changes, keeping the current revision instead of releasing a new version.


To convert an FMEA from the 4th edition version to the AIAG & VDA version, simply switch the FMEA type in the FMEA data screen to another type configured with the new version. An association wizard will be displayed to execute this request.


General data
FMEA tree
Action plan


After setting up all the necessary FMEA information, save the record.