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Button bar

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The system screens work all the same way, that is, all of them have toolbars that allow handling data. Some of the buttons that compose these toolbars are described next.


Not all buttons on toolbars and data screens will be described in this section. Those that are not detailed below will be introduced in their respective chapters.



This button allows adding new records to the system. Click on this button to view the data screen where information will be entered in the system. All information must be saved in order to be stored in the database.


This button allows editing the data of records created in the system. Click on this button to view the data screen of the record and allow the data to be edited. Save the record after making any changes.


This button allows deleting the system records. The "Wish to delete it?" confirmation message will be displayed before the records are deleted, preventing data from being deleted by mistake. Records associated with other records cannot be deleted.


This button allows executing pending records. Click on this button to view the data screen of the record and allow the data related to the execution to be filled out.


This button is available in some menus where there is a file assistant. This assistant allows creating records by steps specified by the system.

View electronic file

Click on this button to view the electronic file of some records.


Click on this button to view the data screen of record selected only for visualization.

OLAP analysis

This button allows analyzing and viewing the data of the records list in a fast, steady and interactive manner. Click on this button to allow the search results to be analyzed through SE Analytics. From then on, it is possible to generate analysis panels and cross information that will facilitate decision making. This button is available in several system menus.

Generate report

Click on this button to generate reports with the records displayed on main screen. Click on this button to display a screen where you should select all items that will be displayed in the report. After that, click on button to generate the report.

Configure report

This button allows configuring reports. Click on the button to see the report configuration screen, where you can see the available reports for the menu where the button has been used. Select the desired report and execute the desired configurations for the report in question.

Send to next step

This button is available in some menus where records go through some steps. This button allows to send the record to the next step.

Send to previous step

This button is available in some menus where records go through some steps. This button allows to return the record to previous step.

Change status

This button allows to edit the status of a record, from enabled to disabled record. In some situations, it can cancel and/or reactivate the record, according the permissions granted to user.


This button is available in some menus where the records can be blocked by some action of the system. Click on this button to unblock the record.

Copy record

This button allows duplicating the selected record, that is, the data of the selected record will be copied to a new record that will be automatically recorded by the system after using this button.

Revision data

This button is available in some menus where the record can undergo revision. Click on this button to view the data of record current revision.

2 quadrants

Click on this button to edit the view of the main screen to 2 quadrants. One of the quadrants is the search panel and the other is the record list.

3 quadrants

Click on this button to edit the view of the main screen to 3 quadrants. One of the quadrants is the search panel and the other is the record list. The third quadrant is displayed below the second quadrant and displays the details of the record selected in the list.


Click on this button to see a screen with the legend of codes and icons used in the menu being accessed.


Click on this button to see a screen with the constants that can be used in some search fields.

Customizing toolbar

Click on this button to display a screen with all buttons that can be added or deleted from the toolbar, thus allowing the user to customize the toolbar, according to their needs.