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See the description of the buttons displayed in the toolbar of the Analysis tools:



Save: Click on this button whenever something is changed in the analysis. That will save the changes.



Delete: Click on this button to delete some analysis element. To do that, select the desired item and click on this button.

Connect in sequence: Click on the button to add a connector between the selected elements. This button is only displayed for analysis tools of the "Ishikawa" type.



Selection mode: Check this option to enable selection mode. When this resource is enabled, by clicking on the diagram items, they will be selected without unselecting the previous item. To exit, simply uncheck this field.

Bring to front: Use this option to bring the selected item to the front, that is, the selected item will be on the upper layer, above all other diagram items.

Send to back: Use this option to send the selected item to the back, that is, the selected item will be on the lower layer, below all other diagram items.



Data: Click on this button to view the analysis data. On the screen that will open, it will be possible to change, if necessary, the analysis ID #, name and description. The author, the creation and update dates, and the responsible for the update will also be displayed.



Save as image: Use this button to save the diagram as an image in .png format.

Show vertically: Click on this button to show the diagram vertically.

Show horizontally: Click on this button to show the diagram horizontally.

Connect in sequence: This button will only be displayed to the " 5 Whys" tool. Click on the button to connect all selected items automatically. To do that, select all the items in the order they must be connected.