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Detail panel

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This panel displays the details of the item selected in the analysis diagram.



As soon as a Cause item is selected (in any analysis tool), the following fields can be edited:


Cause: Enter the analysis defect/problem cause. In this field it is possible to associate an existing cause or to record a new cause, as long as the logged user has access to the cause record menu. Use the options located below this field to define if this particular cause is a Root cause or a Potential cause of the defect/problem.

Percentage: Enter the percentage to show how likely it is that this cause has generated the defect/problem under analysis.

Responsible department: Enter the responsible department for the cause.

Description: Enter a description for the cause.


In the "5 Whys" tool, when selecting a lane (of effect or question), in the details panel, the Name field will be displayed, which allows for a new question or a new name for the effect to be entered. In the "Ishikawa" tool of the Free type, when selecting a category, it will be possible to define, on the respective fields, the Name and the Description of the category.