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Activity data

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In the Navigation panel, on the left side of the activity data screen, it is possible to enter information and associate objects that will complement the activity. Select the desired option and fill out the fields that will be displayed on the right side of the screen:




In this area, the information about the execution of the activity is presented, such as starter, requester, priority, deadline, and description.


This is the Navigation panel, which allows you to access the various sections that may be configured in the activity. This panel may not be displayed if, in the activity data (Configurations Form), the "Show form only in activity execution" option has been checked.


This section displays information regarding the menu selected in the Navigation panel.


This area displays some submenus that have been configured for the activity. They may be available in the activity to fill out the forms, attributes, requirements, checklist, sub-activities, among others.


This area will display the associations (with other components of the system) that can be carried out in the activity. The displayed associations depend on the configuration performed in the activity (Configurations Association) and the availability of the component in the license key.


The image above is for illustrative purposes only and aims to exemplify the sections and fields that may be displayed in the Navigation panel. It is important to note that their availability will vary according to the configurations set during the creation and modeling of the process (SE Process).


Activity data


Click on the Save button to only save the data entered in the activity data screen without executing it, that is, the activity will remain in the list of pending records and will not proceed in the process flow.