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General data

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When opening the evaluation screen for a single employee, it will be opened in the General data section. In it, the employee, peers, subordinates and/or leader (according to the appraiser type) will be able to evaluate the competences.


The General data section is divided according to the image below. The alphabetical letters identify each available item:





This area is used to perform the competence evaluation.

At the upper part, the system will display the information of the employee and the appraiser. Click on their names to view their details. The options to edit the period for performing the evaluation and to comment on it will also be available.

Next, the competence structure and its evaluation items (if any) are displayed. The following columns are also available:

Competence: Will display the structure of the competences with their respective items to be evaluated.

Proficiency level: Allows assigning the employee proficiency level in the competence. This field will not be available if a competency that has evaluation items is selected. In this case, the proficiency level selected in each item will make up the competence score according to its value and weight.

Score: Displays the score of the proficiency levels, as they are selected, according to the configurations set in the proficiency scale applied to the competence.

Weight: This column will only be displayed, if in the Configurations arrowrgray View settings section of the cycle data of the evaluation plan, the "Display the competence or evaluation item weight in the competence evaluation" option is disabled. It displays the weight each evaluation item will have to make up the score of the competence being evaluated. This weight is defined when associating the evaluation item with the competence.


This panel displays the details of the competence or evaluation item selected in the structure. It displays the general information of the selected competence/item, as well as the options to assign scores, enter a verification method, clear the evaluation, justify the score, browse the competences/items and finish the evaluation. There are also tabs that display the details and allow justifying the score and giving development suggestions.

If the evaluation being performed is NOT the first execution cycle of the evaluation plan, the system will display a comparison chart between the scores of previous evaluations related to the employee in question and the evaluation being performed. If the "View mapped proficiency level in competence evaluation" option is enabled in the Configurations arrowrgray View settings section of the cycle data of the evaluation plan, the system will also display a line indicating whether the proficiency levels assigned to the competences of the employee reached the mapped level.


Next to the toolbar, the system displays the following information:

Level: This bar will only be displayed if a single employee is being evaluated and the "Display the performance level in the competence evaluation" option is enabled in the Configurations arrowrgray View settings section of the execution cycle of the evaluation plan. It indicates, as a percentage, the performance result of the employee in the evaluation. See an example of how the system performs the calculation of the level of the employee in an evaluation in the Result calculation section.

Progress: Indicates, in percentage, how much of the evaluation has been performed.


Refer to the Evaluation execution section for more information on who executes each evaluation type and a guide on performing the competence evaluation of a single employee.