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Release Notes

Multidimensional competence mapping

It is now possible to map competences by other SoftExpert Suite entities, such as teams and functional roles.

Moreover, other organizational mapping possibilities have been added, which will reflect on the department/position mappings, such as competence mapping for all departments/positions, specific organizational units (and sub-levels), and specific positions.


Mapping menus

The organizational and per process mapping view and management menus have now been unified in the competences mapping view and management menus.


Through the management menu, it will be possible to map the organizational competences (All, Organizational unit, Position, and Department/Position), per process/activity, team, functional role, and individual. There will be a vision selector in the upper right corner to define which group will be mapped.


In mapping view, all existing competence mappings will be listed, grouped by their respective types. New "mapping type" and "inherited" filters have been added to facilitate searching for and stratifying mappings.



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Organizational competence mapping

Organizational mappings continue to be by department/position, but now there is the possibility of performing mappings that apply to all departments/positions, to specific organizational units (and sub-levels), and specific positions. Once they are mapped in these upper levels, the departments/positions will inherit these competences.


This is a very important feature that will facilitate the management of competence mappings, given that it will no longer be necessary to map a competence that is common to the entire organization for every department/position, for example. In addition, competences that are not specific to certain departments, units, or positions may be mapped in the respective levels, to be duplicated in all applicable departments/positions.




Competence mapping per process/activity, team, and functional role

From now onwards, it will be possible to map competences per team and functional role, in addition to the existing process/activity option.

This feature will allow mapping competences for specific employee groups, without the need to create a new department/position or to individually add competences to the users, for example.

Once they are mapped, the requirements of these groups will be visible in the requirements of the department/position of the employees that are part of the mapped group, along with the position requirements, but with an indication of mapping type per team, functional role, or process/activity.




Position requirements in the employee profile

After the requirements are mapped in the several possibilities, the employee will inherit the mappings in the departments/positions with which they are associated, regardless of mapping type.

For example: in the default department/position of the employee, they will first have the competences inherited from the department/position and, later, if there are any other mappings from the process/activity, team, or functional role types that are applicable, the system will list these requirements after the department/position competences, with a mapping type indication.




Competence evaluation

It will be possible to define the mapping types that will be evaluated in the competence evaluation.

In addition to the existing options to evaluate organizational and per process/activity competences, it will be possible to define if competences mapped per team, per functional role, and individually will be considered.


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Attachment per competence, evaluation item, and target in the evaluation

It is possible to associate attachments per competence, evaluation item, and target with the evaluations. This feature facilitates the proof and the explanation of the evaluated levels.

Attachments can be viewed both on the evaluation data screen and the evaluation view listings.




Changes related to the evaluation item type

The evaluation item type, which until now was requested whenever an evaluation item was associated with a competence, will only be entered in the evaluation item creation.

With this change, all evaluation item records now have an associated item type, allowing the user to group and filter items by their respective types.

The evaluation item record became hierarchic; in the locations in which the evaluation item was displayed, there is now an additional column with its type entered in the record.


The evaluation item records have been imported with their types, the same evaluation item types entered in the association with the competence. Evaluation items that were not associated with any competences have been imported with the default record "SE Suite" as their type.


With this change, it is no longer necessary to enter the evaluation item type when associating an evaluation item with a competence, facilitating the association and the understanding for the users.



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Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: