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Revalidating mappings and requirements

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This section will display the process to revalidate the requirement, but the description is also valid for mapping revalidation. To revalidate a requirement or a mapping, follow the steps below:



Use the Search filters panel to locate the requirement that will be revalidated more easily.



Select it and click on the button of the toolbar. It is important to point out that the requirements that are with a revalidation in progress cannot be revalidated.



On the screen that will open up, the Data type, ID #, Name, Revision and Date fields will be entered with information from the requirement being revalidated.




On the General tab, general information is available about the requirement revalidation. Fill in the following fields:

Current revalidation: The fields described in this section are filled out by the system with the following information:

Number: Number of the current revalidation of the requirement. Click on the button located next to this field to view the current revalidation data screen.

Date: Date on which the current revalidation of the requirement was executed.

Validity date: Date until which current revalidation will be valid.

Reference revalidation: The following fields are available for the revalidation that is being created:

Number: This field is filled in by the system with a sequential number to identify the revalidation that is being executed.

Date: This field is filled in by the system with the current date. If, in the validity configuration, associated with the process type, the Enable revalidation date to be changed option is not checked, it will not be possible to edit it. Otherwise, it will be possible to edit the date, allowing a retroactive revalidation.

Validity: This field is filled in by the system with the Default time defined in validity configuration, which is associated with the requirement type that is being revalidated. If the default time has been defined as Fixed, this field cannot be edited. If it is Variable, it is possible to define the time of the desired validity.

Validity date: After saving the record for the first time, this field is filled in by the system with the date until which the requirement in question will be valid.

Explanation: Enter an explanation for the revalidation of the requirement in question.



Save the record. If the validity configuration does not have the approval step parameterized, the revalidation will be closed. Otherwise, do not close the data screen, because the other tabs will be available to be filled out.



In the Approval tab, it is possible to define the parties responsible for approving the revalidation in question. To do that, fill out the following fields:

Responsibility route: Select, among those saved in the system, the responsibility route for the navigation in question. If needed, use the buttons located next to the field to create a new responsibility route or clear the value filled in the field, respectively.

Wait for all members approval: Check this option for the revalidation approval to be released only after all route members approve their tasks.

Cycle: This filed is filled in by the system with a sequential number indicating the approval cycle that the requirement revalidation is going through. Every time that the revalidation is rejected and goes through approval again, the system assigns a number automatically. Select the previous cycles to view the members of the responsibility route that performed the approval.

Approval type: Define whether the approval will be:

Incremental: The revalidation may be approved/rejected by any member of the responsibility route.

Circular: The revalidation will have to go through all the members of the responsibility route and only the last member in the sequence may approve/reject it.


It is important to point out that the fields on this screen will only be available for editing if, in the Approval tab of the validity configuration, it is NOT set that the route type will be 'Fixed & unique'. If the 'Fixed & unique' route type is set, its fields will be automatically filled out by the system and may not be edited.



If the "variable" approval route type is configured in the validity configuration, the following buttons will be enabled:

Click on this button to add a new member to the responsibility route. Refer to the Configuring a new responsibility route section to obtain a detailed description of how to add a new member. It is important to point out that, if the member is being added to a route associated with the revalidation, this addition will only be valid for the requirement revalidation. It will not be replicated to the route record created through the Configuration Responsibility route menu.

Click on this button to edit the data of a member. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to delete a member of the responsibility route. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.



After filling out the required field, click on the button. At this point, the system will ask about sending the revalidation to approval. Confirm so that the revalidation can be sent to approval by the responsible parties. Refer to the Revalidation approval task to obtain further details about this operation.