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Executing a transfer

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See how to create a storeroom object transfer:



On the main screen toolbar, click on the new button.



On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the storeroom whose object will be transferred and save the selection made.


It is important to point out that, to perform this event successfully, the logged user must be a member of the responsible team or have the Transfer control allowed in the storeroom security list.



At this point, the transfer data screen will be displayed.





In the Record data arrowrgray General data section, fill in the following fields:



ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the transfer. If you prefer, use the arrow next to this field to generate an automatic identifier. Remember that, if an event configuration was associated with the storeroom and, in it, the use of an identification mask was configured, when generating the automatic ID #, the respective mask will be displayed. Remember that the ID # generated through the mask may only be edited if the Enable ID # change option is checked on the data screen of the configuration.

Event configuration

This field will be filled out with the event configuration associated with the storeroom. If there is no configuration associated with the storeroom, this field will be displayed blank. Use the view_small button located next to the field to view the event configuration data displayed.

Issue date

This field is filled out by the system with the date the transfer is being performed on.


This field is filled out by the system with the time this operation was performed at when saving the record for the first time.


Fill out the following fields to inform where the object that will be transferred comes from:

Storeroom: This field is filled in by the system with the storeroom selected before (step 02); however, it is possible to edit it.

Responsible: Select the user who will be responsible for sending the object to transfer. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it in with the logged user data and clear the value in the field.

Date: Select the date on which the object was moved out of the storeroom for transfer.


Fill out the following fields to inform where the object will be transferred to:

Storeroom: Select the storeroom to which the object will be sent to.

Responsible: Select the user who will be responsible for receiving the transferred object in the storeroom. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it in with the logged user data and clear the value in the field.

Date: Select the estimated date for delivery of the transferred object to the storeroom.



Save the record.



After saving the record, the balance adjustment screen will be displayed. On it, select the items/supplies/wastes of the desired storeroom. After that, in the Quantity field, enter the number of objects that must be transferred. Note that the value entered in the "Quantity" column field must be EQUAL or LESS to the value displayed in the Available qty. column. Once done, save the record. Objects that had their balance corrected will appear in the list of records at the bottom of the Record data arrowrgray General data section. If you wish to transfer more objects, click on the new button and repeat this operation.



In the Description section, enter relevant information about the transfer that will be performed.



The Attribute section will only be displayed if an attribute is associated in the Attribute tab of the event configuration data screen. In this case, enter the value of the attributes that complement the transfer. Those attributes that are required must, necessarily, have their values filled in. The blocked attributes will be filled in by the system with the default value set when it is associated with the event configuration. Remember that the procedure to fill out an attribute, varies according to the configurations established when the attribute was registered.


If the storeroom whose objects will be sent to transfer does not have a configuration associated with it, this section will not be displayed.



In the Record data arrowrgray Documentation section, it will be possible to associate the attachments and documents regarding the transfer:




Use this section to associate the attachments related to the event. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.


Use this section to add or associate the documents related to the event. See the Adding documents section for further details of how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.



After filling in all the necessary fields, click on the save_exit button.



At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to send the transfer to the next step. Choose the desired option:

OK: If in the configuration associated with the storeroom whose objects will be transferred, it is set that the output events will have the approval, the system will generate the Output event approval task to the appropriate responsible, so that these approve the output of objects that will be transferred. If in the approval step is not configured or the storeroom does not have a configuration associated with it, the members of the responsible team for the addressee storeroom, will receive the Receiving confirmation task to ratify whether the objects should be transferred to the storeroom in question.

Cancel: The transfer will remain pending with the Issue status.