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Inventory execution

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Verification execution

Who receives it:

Members of the team responsible for the inventory execution.


The inventory activity, which is in the planning step, is sent to execution.

The inventory execution has been rejected, if this step has been configured during inventory creation/planning.


To execute the inventory of the assets of a location.


How to execute this task:


1.Select the desired inventory from the list of pending records.


2.Click on the button to edit the inventory data. Refer to the Inventorying assets section for more details on performing the asset inventory.


3.After completing all information of the inventory execution, click on the Execute button, located on the inventory data screen, to send the inventory to the next step. At this point, the record may move on to one of the following steps:

Inventory execution approval: The record will go to this task if the inventory is configured with the execution approval step.

Finished: If the execution approval step is not configured in the inventory, then the changes will be applied to the assets and the inventory activity will be closed.