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Training execution

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Training execution

Who receives it:

The users who are members of the execution control team and the instructors with permission to control the training execution.


The planning of a training without the approval step configured is closed and sent to the next step.

The planning of a training with the approval step configured is approved.

The addition of the training is performed in the execution step; however, it will not be sent to the next step.


To record the information regarding the execution of a training, making it possible to carry out the evaluation of the participants, before sending it to the next configured step.


How to execute this task:



Select the desired training from the list of pending records.



After that, click on the default toolbar button.



If the selected training status is "Start", the system will question whether you want to start its execution. To confirm, click on OK. See a detailed description on how to start the execution of a training in the Starting the execution of a training section.



If the training is already under execution, the information related to this step must be recorded. See more information about this operation in the Editing a training under execution section.



If in the E-learning section of the training data screen, the "Automate the training flow when finishing the content execution" option is enabled, as the participants finish executing their Training content tasks and their evaluations are generated, the system will automatically close the execution of the training. Otherwise, it will be necessary to manually finish the training execution. To do this, click on the next button on the toolbar. Click on the desired option:

OK: Allows sending the training to the next configured step:

Evaluation: If it is parameterized that the training participants will go through evaluations and these were not carried out during the execution step or if it is necessary for leaders or participants to respond to an evaluation, the Training evaluation task will be generated for the execution control team and instructors with permission to control training execution.

Effectiveness verification: If it is parameterized that the training will not go through the evaluation step, but will go through effectiveness verification, the system will generate, for the due responsible, the Training effectiveness verification task.

Closure: If there are no more configured steps, the training will be finished. According to the configurations established for the training, the Training result acknowledgment task may be generated for the participants or the Execution confirmation task for the execution control team, so that they confirm the achievement of the training.

Cancel: The training will remain pending with the Execution status. Sending the training to the next step can also be performed via the Save and next step button on the training data screen toolbar or through the Execution arrowrgray Training execution menu.


The trainings with automatic flow can be tracked through the Training tracking task.

It is important to point out that in order to finish the training successfully, all the required fields must be filled in. If any required field is not completed the system will issue a warning message informing the error.

If in the E-learning section, the "Require participants to access the training content before sending it to the next step" option is enabled, it will be required for all training participants to perform the Training content task to finish the execution of the training.

If the training has the effectiveness evaluation configured and a participant is without an appraiser set, the system will not allow you to terminate the execution of the training. To change the appraiser, you must access the "Evaluation" section of the training data screen in the Effectiveness column, and click on the Change column field. On the screen that will open, select the appraiser of the effectiveness of the participant.

If it is parameterized that the training participants will go through evaluations and these are based on tests/surveys that were not generated during the execution step, the system will issue an alert when trying to send the training to the next step. In the window that will be displayed, the system will list the pending evaluations that need to be generated. Enable those that must be generated and disable those that must not be generated. Click on the "Continue without generating" option for the training to be sent to evaluation without generating evaluations or click on the "Continue and generate" option to send the training to the next evaluation step and generate the necessary evaluations for the training participants.