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Adding a training

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In this section will be described how to add a training both in the Planning and Execution step. The differences between the two steps will also be informed in this section.


To add a training, click on the arrow next to the new button on the main screen toolbar.


On the screen that will display, set a training type. To do that, click on the desired option:


hmtoggle_arrow1Collective training
hmtoggle_arrow1Individual training


After filling out necessary fields, click on Start. On the training data screen that will be displayed, fill out the fields of the following sections:


This image refers to the screen of a collective training. The screen displayed for an individual training is similar. The screens presented are also similar, both in the planning step and in the execution step.

This image refers to the screen of a collective training. The screen displayed for an individual training is similar. The screens presented are also similar, both in the planning step and in the execution step.



If the training being added is Individual, you must associate the participant before saving the record for the first time. If the participant has been entered at the beginning of the addition of the training, they will be displayed in the respective section. If a participant is not associated, perform the association. See a detailed description on how to perform this operation in the Enrolling a participant in an individual training section.

If the training is Collective, the participants can be added after saving the record for the first time through the Participant section, through the Training enrollment menu or through the widgets (according to the configurations performed in the training).


hmtoggle_arrow1General data


Save the record, but do not close the data screen. At this point, the other sections will be enabled to be filled out:

If the training is being added to the planning step, refer to the Editing a training under planning section for a detailed description of the other displayed fields.

If the training is being added to the execution step, refer to the Editing a training under execution section for a detailed description of the other displayed fields.


If the training being added is an individual training and it is being configured for more than one participant at the same time, the system will inform the "identifier" created for the training of each associated user in the Participant section. The identifier will follow the mask parameterizations, if any, set in the training configuration in question.

When you save a training that is being added in the execution step for the first time, the system will ask whether you wish to enable access to the training content for the participants. Click on "Yes" so that the Training content task can be generated for the participants. By clicking on "No", the task will not be generated; however, it is possible to generate it later through the "E-learning" section.

Trainings can also be added through the data screen of a course on the File arrowrgrayy Course menu.

While the training remains under the "Planning" status, the members of the execution control team will receive the Training planning task, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments.

While the training remains under the "Execution" status, the members of the execution control team will receive the Training execution task, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments.