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Editing a training under execution

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While the training is under execution, it is still possible to edit some information on your data screen. To do that, first locate it and select it in the main screen list of records. After that, click on the edit button on the toolbar.


At this point, the data screen will be opened. The following sections will be available for editing:


hmtoggle_arrow1General data
hmtoggle_arrow1Evaluation item
hmtoggle_arrow1Export appointment


After performing all the necessary configurations, use the Save or Save and exit options.

If in the E-learning section of the training data screen, the "Automate the training flow when finishing the content execution" option is enabled, as the participants finish executing their Training content tasks and their evaluations are generated, the system will automatically close the execution of the training.

Otherwise, it will be necessary to manually finish the training execution. See how to perform this operation in the Finishing the training execution (manually) section.