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Training execution

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Location: Management arrowrgray Training execution




Training configuration


Planned training


Training method

Educational entity

Cost type

Responsibility route

Work shift


Audio-visual resource

Survey template (SE Survey)

Document (SE Document)

Category (SE Document)

Competence (SE Competence)

Evaluation item (SE Competence)

Calendar (SE Administration)



Through this menu, the control team and the instructor with permission to control the execution can enter data about the execution of the trainings under their responsibility. In addition to entering data regarding the execution of trainings that have gone through the planning step, the system also allows adding trainings directly in this step, i.e., add trainings without having them go through the planning step.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to add a new training in the execution step. See further details about this operation in the Adding a training section.


Click on this button to:

Start the execution of a planned training.

Record the execution of a training.

Evaluate the training participants.

Verify the effectiveness of the training selected in the list of records.

Finish the execution of a training that is not automated.


Click on this button to delete the training that has been selected from the list of records.


Click on this button to view the data of the training selected in the list of records. Note that this button will only be displayed if the status of the selected training is Start, Cancelled, Invalidated, or Finished.


Click on the arrow next to this button to configure and issue the desired training data reports, participants list, certificate of training, attendance list and blank evaluation. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, and it also searches for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button to send appointments on the days in which the training in question will take place to the email client calendar of the participants and instructor of the selected training. It is important to point out that, in order for this resource to work correctly, the Export appointment field must be properly configured in the general parameters.


Click on this button to create a training from the copy of a training already added to the system. Select the desired record before clicking on the button. See more details in the Copying a training section.


Click on this button to cancel or reopen a cancelled training. Select the desired record before clicking on the button. See more details in the Cancelling / Reopening a training section.


Click on this button to return a training selected in the list of records to the step prior to the step it is in, so that the necessary adjustments can be made. This button will not be enabled if the status of the selected training is Cancelled or Invalidated.


Click on this button to send the training selected in the list of records to the next configured step. See further details in the Finishing the training execution (manually) section. This button will not be enabled if the status of the selected training is Finished, Cancelled, or Invalidated.


Click on this button to generate invitations for the training whose status is Start selected in the list of records. See further details about this operation in the Generating a training invitation section.


Use the Search filters to easily find the desired records based on specific information. See the View arrowrgrayy Training record menu for a detailed description of the filters.

The trainings can also be tracked through the Training tracking task.