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Quick start - SE Action

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This documentation was developed for SE Action users, aiming at presenting the functionalities and the steps to use the system. Its chapters are made up of system menus and additional information, which will help the users at any point of data input.


Welcome to SE Action

SE Action automates the execution of the steps in the occurrence treatment process, from the identification of the problem to the conclusion of the treatment and its standardization. It uses the Team Workflow task control mechanism, which notifies those responsible for pending actions, and authorizes the filling of relevant information for their solution. In the event of delays in performing the actions, the responsible parties are automatically notified.

For the automation of the treatment of nonconformities and preventive/corrective actions, the following methods are employed: PDCA (Planning - Execution - Result verification - Process actions) for the solution of problems and 5W2H (What? How? Where? When? Who? Why? How Much?) in the planning of actions.


Main operations of SE Action


hmtoggle_arrow1How to configure a method?
hmtoggle_arrow1How to edit an occurrence?
hmtoggle_arrow1How to plan a containment/disposition action?
hmtoggle_arrow1How to perform a cause analysis?
hmtoggle_arrow1How to plan an action plan?
hmtoggle_arrow1How to verify the effectiveness of actions?