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Request execution

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Request execution - Task generated through the SE Request component

Who is notified:

Changes according to the requested operation:

Creation: Responsible for the request execution, defined in the SE Request component;

Revision: User that belongs to the document security list that has the Revision control allowed;

Cancellation: User that belongs to the document security list that has the Cancel control allowed;

Print: User that belongs to the document security list that has the Print control allowed.


The issue/approval step (as configured) is finished by the due responsible parties in the SE Request component.


To create, revise, cancel or register protocols of documents copies that meet the requesters' needs.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the request that will be executed.



Click on the arrow placed next to the button and select the desired option. The data screen shown will vary according to the requested operation:

Creation: The screen to create the requested document will be displayed. Select the category to which the new document belongs. Then, the other fields will be enabled to be filled. View the Adding a new document section for further details on how to fill out the fields of this screen.

Revision: The data screen to create the requested document revision will be displayed, according to the configurations in its category. See more details about how to perform this operation in the Revising documents section.

Cancellation: The screen to justify the requested cancellation of the document will be displayed. Then, click on the Finish option at the bottom of the screen. At this point, the document will be effectively cancelled.

Print: The data screen to create the copy protocol of the requested document will be displayed. View the Issuing a copy protocol for a detailed description about how to fill out the fields of this screen.


The keyword registration request is performed through the system, that is, it does not generate task for any responsible user.



After entering all the required fields, save the record. The request will not be displayed in the list of pending records anymore.


Specific buttons:

Click on this button to edit the priority of the request selected in the list of records. This button will only be enabled if there is an evaluation method selected in the request type and if the "Enable priority to be edited in the execution step" is checked.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the request selected in the list of records.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to return the request selected from the list of records to the issue step in the SE Request component. This button is only available if the request status is "To be executed".