To edit the data of a training under planning, first locate it and select it in the main screen list of records. After that, click on the button on the toolbar.
At this point, the data screen will be opened. The following sections will be available for editing:
The following subsections are available:
General data
This section will display the training data entered during its creation (be it through addition or copy), allowing some of it to be edited.
The Training type, Course and Configuration fields will only be available for viewing. The Validity field will only be completed when the training is under "Execution". The fields in the Planning Cost section will be completed by the system with the values and other data entered in the Cost section described below. See a detailed description of the fields available for editing in the Adding a training section.
▪If the training is Individual, after saving the record for the first time, the training participant will be displayed in this section and it will be possible to view their data through the button. ▪If the training is Collective, it will be possible to manage its participants through this section. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate the participants and thus enroll them in the training. See how to perform this operation in each case through the Enrolling participants in a collective training section.
Check the "Remain on the screen" option, next to the "Save" button on the participant addition screen, so that the screen remains open when saving the record.

Click on this button to enter an explanation for the enrollment of the participant in the training. On the screen that will be opened, it is possible to view the information of the participant and enter the desired explanation.

Click on this button to delete and then unsubscribe the training user. Confirm the request performed by the system for the training participant to be deleted.

Click on this button to import the training participants from an .xls spreadsheet. Refer to the Importing participants to a collective training section for more details on this operation.
This section will only be displayed if an attribute is associated in the Attribute section of the data screen of the configuration applied to the training. The attributes that have been filled out when adding the training can have their values edited, unless it is a blocked attribute. The way to fill out an attribute varies according to the configurations established when creating it.
In this section, it is possible to associate with the training the document it will be about. If a document has been associated as training object in the training course, it will be displayed in this section. For this resource to work correctly, it is necessary for the SE Document component to be a part of the solutions acquired by your organization.
On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a document with the training. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the desired document. Note that only documents that have the "Training" control checked and configured on their category will be available for selection. View specific documentation of the SE Document component for further details on document training control.

Click on this button to disassociate the document selected in the list of records from the training.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the document selected from the list of records.
▪In the document category it is configured if a document will go through training at each revision and if the training will start after the revision release or approval. ▪When selecting the participants of a training whose object is a document, the system checks, by default, the "Pending document training" option, thus restricting the users who can be enrolled. |
In this section, it is possible to add and import the costs planned for the training. In the upper part, it is possible to view a summary of the fixed, per participant, total per participant, and total planned values of the costs of the training. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a planned cost to the training. Refer to the Adding a cost section for further details about this operation.

Click on this button to edit the values of the cost selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the cost selected from the list of records.

Click on this button to import the planned training costs from an .xls spreadsheet. Refer to the Importing a cost section for further details about this operation.
This section will only be displayed if a planning checklist is associated in the Checklist section of the training configuration data screen. This checklist is intended to assist the user in performing this step. In order to answer it, select the desired option: Yes, No or N/A. The answers may have already been selected by the system according to the standard defined when recording the checklist. Moreover, filling in the Comments fields may be mandatory or not, also according to the configurations established when creating the checklist.
In this section, the subjects entered in the course that will be discussed in the training will be displayed; however, it is possible to edit them. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to browse between the saved files on your computer, select multiple files and attach them to the training.

Click on this button and choose the option that corresponds to the content you wish to add to the training. See a detailed description of each content type available in the Content section.

Click on this button to edit the data of the content selected from the training structure.

Click on this button to delete the content selected from the training structure.

Click on this button to import the document associated in the Object section so it can also be a training content.

Click on this button to change a required course to not required and vice-versa. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to preview the content selected in the training structure.

Click on this button to change the order of the content selected in the structure upwards.

Click on this button to change the order of the content selected in the structure downwards.
In this section, the configurations of the training content availability are defined. Note that in order to be able to parameterize this section, it is necessary first, for the "Content" section to be properly configured. The following subsections are available:
Training content
Make content available to the training participants
The training participants will also have access to the course content. Thus, when the training is under execution, the participants will receive the Training content task.
The training participants will not receive the "Training content" task when it is under execution.
Maintain access for participants after content execution
The content will remain available to training participants even after the end of its execution. The closed content can be viewed via the training data screen (View Employee Participation in training menu), through the training participation widget and through the employee profile.
The content will not be available for the participants to view after the training is closed.
Require participants to access the training content before sending it to the next step
The training will only be sent to the next step after all participants have executed the Training content task.
The training can be sent to the next step even if not all participants have accessed the training content.
Automate the training flow when finishing the content execution
When the Training content task is closed, the system will generate the evaluation configured for the participant who has executed this task and send the training to the next configured step, continuing the training flow.
The control team will have to manually send the training to the next configured step.
Allow terminating the access to content only when __ % of the contents were viewed
The access to content will only be closed if the participant has viewed at least a determined percentage of the content.
The access to content may be closed regardless of the viewing percentage.
Deadline for content access
Fill out this field to establish a deadline up to which the participants may access and execute the training content. In this case, enter the desired number of days, weeks, months or years.
Block content access after the deadline expires1
It will not be possible to view or access the content after the previously defined date.
Participants will be able to access and view the content even after the deadline expires.
1 - It will only be available if the "Deadline" field is filled out.
In the list of records at the bottom of this section, the listing of the training participants is displayed. When the training content is available for execution, it will be possible to track the progress of the content execution of each participant (the start and end date of the execution, the duration of the execution, the percentage executed, among other information).
This field is filled out with the objective entered in the course, however, it is possible to edit it. In this case, enter the objective that is expected to achieve with the training.
Enter important information about the training being added.
The following subsections are available:
This section will only be displayed if, in the training configuration, it is set that the training planning will go through approval. In this section, it will be possible to view or define the approval responsibility, according to the configurations performed in the training configuration.
Filling out the information in this section depends on the selected route type. If it is a "Fixed & unique" route, this section may not be edited.
Responsibility route
Select the responsibility route for the training planning approval. If the route defined is "Fixed", it will only be possible to define another route through this field, however, it will not be possible to edit its members. Only the approval responsibility routes will be available for selection.
Approval type1
Displays the approval type (Incremental or Circular), and it is possible to edit it.
Displays a number indicating the approval cycle that the training planning is going through. Each time the training is rejected and goes through approval again, the system assigns a number to it. Select the previous cycles to view the members of the responsibility route that performed the approval.
Wait for all members approval1
The training planning will go to the next approval step after all route members release their tasks.
The training planning will go to the next approval step as soon as a member of the current step releases the task.
1 - Filled out by the system according to the configuration performed when creating the route, and it is possible to edit it.
If the route type defined for the planning approval is "Variable", on the side toolbar of the list of records, the following buttons are available:

Please click on this button to add a new responsible for the approval. Refer to the Configuring a responsibility route section to obtain a detailed description on how to perform this operation. Notice that by adding a new responsible party in a route, associated with the training planning approval, this addition will not be replicated to the route record made by the Configuration Responsibility route menu.

Click on this button to edit the data of the responsible for approval selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the responsible for approval selected in the list of records.
The responsible parties defined in this section will receive the Training planning approval task after the training planning is finished.
This section will only be displayed if the "Enrollment approval" option is checked in the Configurations Enrollment section. In it, it is possible to view or define the responsible parties for approving the enrollment of the participants in the training.
Filling out the information in this section depends on the selected route type:
▪Fixed & unique: This section may not be edited. ▪Fixed: It will only be possible to define another route through this field; however, it will not be possible to edit its members. ▪Variable: It will be possible to customize the approval responsibility route.
▪See the detailed description of the fields displayed in this section in the Planning topic. ▪The responsible parties displayed in this section will receive the Training enrollment approval task as the users enroll in the training. |
In this section, it is possible to view the attachments and documents associated with the course of the training, as well as to associate new documentation. It is divided into the following subsections:
In this section, it will be possible to add, delete, download and view the attachments related to the training. For further details on how to add attachments to the record, see the Adding attachments section.
This section is only available if the SE Document component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization. In it, it will be possible to add, delete, download and view the electronic file and the data of the documents related to the training. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.
This section is available if the SE Competence component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization. In it, it is possible to manage competences that will be developed with the execution of the training. The competences associated with the training course will be displayed, and it will also be possible to add new ones.
On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a competence with the training. On the screen that the system will display, locate and select the desired competence. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one competence at a time. Once done, save your selection.

Click on this button to disassociate the competence selected in the list of records from the training.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the competence selected from the list of records. Refer to the documentation of the SE Competence component for a detailed description of the screen that will be displayed.
When evaluating competences of employees, the system will signal the competences that have been associated with a course they participated in. This evaluation is done by means of the SE Competence component.
This section is available if the SE Competence component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization. In it, it is possible to manage the evaluation items related to the training. The items associated with the training course will be displayed, and it will also be possible to add new ones.
On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate an evaluation item with the course. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the desired evaluation item. Use the CTRL or SHIFT key on the keyboard or the checkbox next to each record to select more than one item at a time. Once done, save your selection.

Click on this button to disassociate the evaluation item selected in the list of records from the course.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the evaluation item selected in the list of records. Refer to the documentation of the SE Competence component for a detailed description of the screen that will be displayed.
Click on the arrow located below this button to issue the training data and participant list report, configure a new report, associate an existing report or to see the parameters that can be used to configure new reports.
Most fields in this section will be completed with the parameterizations defined in the configuration applied to the training, but it is possible to customize them. It is also possible to establish the configurations for training enrollment. The following subsections are available:
Extra signature
Use this section if there is a person, in addition to the instructor and participant, who must sign the certificate. To do that, check the Extra signature option and, in the respective field, enter the name of the person in question.
This section displays the evaluations types that will be applied to the training and other information related to them, defined in the training configuration. This information can be edited. Refer to the Editing training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
This section is completed with the parameterizations performed in the training configuration, but it is possible to edit them. Refer to the Editing training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
This section is completed with the parameterizations performed in the training configuration, but it is possible to edit them. Refer to the Editing training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
This section is completed with the parameterizations performed in the training configuration, but it is possible to edit them. Refer to the Editing training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
This section is completed with the parameterizations performed in the training configuration, but it is possible to edit them. Refer to the Editing training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
This section will only be displayed if the training type is "Collective". In it, it is possible to configure restrictions for the enrollment of participants in the training. To do that, define if the training will be:
Only users associated in the Participant section by the planning/execution control team may participate in the training.
The participants will be able to enroll in the training, whether through the Training enrollment menu or through the "Training enrollment" widget. In this case, the following fields will be enabled to configure the enrollment restrictions:
# of participants
Enter the number of openings available for the training.
Registration deadline
Fill out this field to restrict enrollment until a determined period. In this case, enter the date up to which participants may enroll in the training.
If this field is not filled out, participants may enroll in the training until its execution starts.
Enrollment acceptance process
First-come basis
Users will guarantee their participation in the training in question by following the enrollment order, up to the moment in which the number of participants reaches the quantity defined previously.
Chosen by responsible user
The members of the execution control team will define, among the enrolled users, who may participate in the training.
If this option is checked, the Enrollment approval option described below will be enabled.
Enrollment approval1
The enrollments chosen by the responsible user will go through approval. In that case, fill out the following fields:
▪Route type: Select if the enrollment approval route will be "Variable" (able to be selected/edited during training planning/input, enabling also the editing of its members), "Fixed" (able to be selected/edited during the training planning/input, but it will not be possible to edit its members) or "Fixed & unique" (a default approval route will be established for all trainings to which this configuration is applied. The route selected in the respective field (and its members) cannot be edited during planning/input). ▪Responsibility route: Select the responsibility route for the approval of the training enrollments. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new responsibility route, edit the data of the selected route or clear the field. The filling in of this field is mandatory if the type of route is "Fixed & unique". If another route type option is selected and this field is filled in, during the planning/input step, the system will use the entered responsibility route, but it will be possible to edit it. Notice that only the approval responsibility routes will be available for selection. |
The enrollments chosen by the responsible user not will go through approval.
1 - Available if the enrollment acceptance process is defined as "Chosen by responsible user".
Target audience
Use this list if you wish only certain users to be able to enroll in the training. By default, the system configures "All (Internal)" as a target audience.
To restrict the training participants, click on the button on the side toolbar. On the screen that will be opened, locate and select the training target audience: internal (all, organizational unit, position, department + position, user, team and/or organizational mapping) and/or external (all external users, a specific external user or all external users from a company).. Once done, save your selection.
Use the other side toolbar buttons to view or delete the data of the record selected in the target audience list.
If a target audience is defined, the training in question will only be available for enrollment through the Training enrollment menu or through the "Training enrollment" widget for users that are part of the listing.
Do not allow the enrollment of participants that have already been approved or have enrolled in other trainings of the course
Employees who have completed the training and passed it, or who are enrolled in another training referring to the same course of this training, cannot be enrolled in this training.
Employees who have already executed this training or who are executing another training of the same course can also be enrolled in this training.
This section is completed with the parameterizations performed in the training configuration, but it is possible to edit them. Refer to the Creating a training configuration section for a detailed description of the fields displayed in this section.
After performing all the necessary configurations, use the Save or Save and exit options. Use the Save and next step button to close the training planning step and send it to the next configured step. See further details in the Finishing planning section.