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Creating asset from a template

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To add an asset from a template, on the main screen toolbar, click on the arrow next to the button and click on the New from a template option.


At this point, the asset creation wizard screen will be displayed, with the following steps:



Asset data

In this step, the following fields are available:

Quantity of assets to be created: Fill out the respective field with the number of assets to be created.

From which asset template? Asset template: Select, in the respective field, the template that will be used to create the assets. The templates available for selection will be those created through the Asset template menu.

And what is the unit cost of each asset? Fill out this field with the estimated individual cost of each created asset.


Use the Next button at the bottom of the wizard to access the next step in which it is located.

At this point, the system will ask if you really wish to create the assets, as it will not be allowed to return to the first step. Click on the desired option:

Yes: The asset will go to the creation step.

No: The wizard will remain in the first step.


Create assets

The system will display the asset creation progress. As soon as the asset creation is finished, the "Next" button will be enabled. Click on it to access the next step.


Edit assets

In this step, it will be possible to edit some information on the assets that were created, such as the ID #, Name, Location and Serial number of each asset. Click on the Finish button to finish the asset creation. At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to finish the changes. After confirming, the system will ask whether you wish to finish the editing. After confirming, the wizard will be closed.


The "Operation started" field of the assets created from a template will be filled with the current date.

The system will take into consideration all the controls of the template, adding the created assets to the respective plans (verification, maintenance, meter reading, etc.).

Refer to the Editing asset data section for further details on how to fill out the other sections and fields on the created asset data screen.