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Document indexing

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Document indexing

Who is notified:

The users who have the "Edit" control enabled in the security list of the pending document with the respective option checked in the general parameters.

Responsible party for the recorded document.

This task will only be generated if the Electronic copy control is configured in the document category.


A document is created in a category that has the Indexing control enabled and it is not sent to the next step.


Finish the draft step of a document, before sending it for the approval/release step.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired document.



If document draft step should be finished, use the following buttons of the toolbar:

Click on this button to edit the data of a document selected from the list of records.

Click on this button to delete a document. In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to have the "Delete" control allowed in its security.

Click on this button to edit the electronic file of a document selected from the list of records. This button will only be enabled if the document selected in the list of records is associated with an electronic file.

Click on this button to edit the template form of a document selected from the list of records. This button will only be enabled if the document selected in the list of records is associated with a template form. If the type of the document's electronic file is "Single" and it contains a template form, when it is released, the form will be converted to pdf and displayed in the Electronic file section, as long as the "Publish PDF files" option is checked in the category.



After the document has properly been drafted, click on the button of the toolbar. Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys of the keyboard or check next to each item to select more than one record at a time.


Use the other toolbar buttons to issue or configure reports regarding this task and to edit the main screen layout to two or three quadrants.



At this point, the system will question if you want to send the selected documents to the next step. Choose the desired option:

OK: The document will be sent to one of the following steps:

Approval: If it is configured in the document category that the indexing stage will go through approval, the system will generate the Document approval task to those responsible for it.

Release: If the indexing approval has not been configured in the category, the document will be released.

Cancel: The document will remain with the Indexing status.