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Document with complex files

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1.Access the File Document menu.


2.On the list of records, select the document whose category is configured with "complex files" and click on .


3.On the document data screen, select the Electronic file option.


This section will display the folder structure defined in the complex file container associated with the document category; thus, the icons, folders and files displayed will change according to the container configurations, as displayed in the image below.



The Status column displays the folder status regarding the configuration of the minimum and maximum quantity of files performed in the container. The bar will display in:

Gray: The total number of files that the folder can hold.

Green: The number of required files associated.

Blue: The number of not required files associated with the folder.

Red: The number of required files that must still be associated.


If the content type configured for the folder is:

Free format, Specific format, Template or Parasolid file: To add an electronic file to it, click on the button For more details, go to the Adding an electronic file section. This button will not be available if the maximum quantity of files supported by the folder is reached.

Document from SE Document: The following buttons will be available for the addition:

Click on this button to add a new document and associate it with this document. Refer to the Adding new document section for more information on how to perform this operation.

Click on this button to associate a previously registered document with this document. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the desired document. If you wish to associate a specific revision, check the "Associate revision" option and select the desired revision. Once done, save your selection.


It will not be possible to add a number of files higher than the maximum quantity of files supported by the folder. Thus, if the maximum capacity of the folder is reached, the options described above will not be available.

If the folder content type is "Document from SE Document" and the "Restrict to category" field has been filled out when adding it to the container, it will only be possible to add and associate documents related to the defined category.


If the "Allow editing the container structure" option is checked in the document category, when selecting a folder in the structure, the following buttons may be displayed in the side toolbar:

Click on this button to add a new folder to the container structure. Refer to the Adding an item to the container structure section for a detailed description on how to perform this operation. The folder added through this section will not be replicated to the container record created through the Configuration Document Complex file container menu. By adding a folder through this section, the "Parasolid" content type will not be available.

Click on this button to edit the folder selected in the container structure.

Click on this button to delete the folder selected in the structure. It will not be available if the folder has sub-folders and/or electronic files added to it.


When selecting an electronic file in the structure, the following buttons may be displayed in the side toolbar according to the configurations performed in the document category and the general parameters:

Click on this button to add another PDF file to the PDF file selected in the list of records. Through the screen that will be opened, select a PDF file in the machine and click on the Merge file button. Note that this operation will only be possible if the selected electronic file is originally a PDF file. This feature will not be available for files in other extensions that have been converted to PDF by the system. If the electronic file had already been digitally signed, the signature will be discarded/invalidated.

This button will only be displayed if, in the category to which the document belongs, the "Publish PDF" files option is checked and the document status is Released. Click on this button to change the data of the electronic file selected in the list of records. On the screen that will open, it is possible to edit the selected electronic file name, add the PDF version of electronic file (this option can be used when the electronic file format is not compatible with the conversion feature or when the system does not convert the file to PDF by mistake), delete the PDF version of the manually entered file and view, through the PDF conversion server record, the last conversion to PDF error log held in the file.

Click on this button to replace the electronic file selected in the list of records by another file. On the panel that will be opened, drag and drop or select the file that will replace the selected file and click on Finish. In order to successfully replace the file, it is necessary to have the "Delete" control enabled in the document security.

This button will only be displayed if, in the category to which the document belongs, the "Publish PDF" files option is checked and the document status is Released. Click on this button to try to convert the electronic file selected in the list of records to PDF once again.

This button will only be displayed if the document is in the Indexing step or if its status is "Issue" and the logged user is its drafter. Click on it to edit the electronic file selected in the list of records. See more information about this operation in the Editing and viewing electronic files section.

Click on this button to delete the electronic file selected in the list of records from the document. In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to have the "Delete" control allowed in the security of the document.

This button will also be unavailable if it was configured to be blocked in the Details tab Electronic file section Archiving.

Add this button to view the content of the electronic files of the image type (including .dwg and .dxf files) associated to the documents. It is important to note that for other file formats, only the icon with the electronic filename will be displayed.

This button will only be available if signing via DocuSign, ClickSign, SignOn, or BRy was enabled in the document. Click on it to digitally sign the electronic file selected in the list of records via DocuSign. See further details about this operation in the Electronic signature in documents - DocuSign, Electronic signature in documents - ClickSign, Electronic signature in documents - SignOn and Electronic signature in documents - BRy sections.

Click on this button to download the electronic file selected in the list of records. In this case, the container folder structure will also be exported. To successfully perform this operation, it is necessary to have the "Save locally" control enabled in document security.

If the electronic file was converted to PDF, the original file will be downloaded if the "Allow original file download in the view mode" is checked or if the logged user has the "Edit" control enabled. If the parameter is not checked and the user does not have this permission, the PDF file will be downloaded.

By default, the system does not download files simultaneously when the sum of their sizes is higher than 4GB.

Click on this button to view the electronic file selected in the list of records. See more information about this operation in the Editing and viewing electronic files section. This button will not be available if the "Edit electronic file" button is enabled.

Click on this button to view the validation screen of the digital signature of the electronic file selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to generate a URL to view the electronic file (API) selected in the list of records. When clicking on the URL to view the electronic file through the API, it will be requested for the user to enter their login and password.


The previously described buttons may be disabled if the document status is "Released" and the "Enable released documents to be edited" option has NOT been checked in the Document tab of the general parameters.


When selecting an electronic file with .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .docx, .xlsx and .pptx extensions, it will be possible to view its content in the Preview panel. Other extensions may be supported if the view server is configured in the general parameters.

In the upper part of the viewer, the following options will be available:



Allows switching the browsing mode between: thumbnail and scheme.


Allows accessing the page transition configurations (page by page or continuous), layout (unique, double or cover), and rotating (counter-clockwise or clockwise).


Activates the feature that allows dragging and dropping, scrolling through the file.


Allow zooming in and out on the file.


Allows adjusting the zoom percentage of the file.


Allows performing searches in the file text.


Allows accessing the option to view the file on full screen mode.


Allows printing the file.


Allows downloading the PDF version of the file.


Allows downloading the original file (which originated the PDF version). To successfully perform this operation, the user must have the "Edit" control allowed in the document security, as well as the "Save locally" and "Print" controls.