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Notifying of closure

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To notify of the closure of an occurrence, select it in the list of records of the main screen. After that, click on the bt_executar_pend button on the toolbar.


At this point, the occurrence data screen will be displayed. The fields will be filled out with the data entered in the identification, containment/disposition, investigation, cause analysis, action plan, effectiveness verification and standardization steps (according to the configuration of the method applied to the occurrence). The fields in the "Occurrence identification" section may be available for editing according to the configurations performed in the occurrence classification. According to the configurations set in the occurrence classification, it will be possible to view, edit, or add data in the Association and Attachment tabs.


In the General tab, access the Closure notification section. The following fields are available:






Summarize all the steps the occurrence underwent, from identification to closure.


Enter the observations made during the steps through which the occurrence has gone.


After filling out the fields, save the record. To close the occurrence, click on the bt_proxima_etapa button on the data screen toolbar.


The party responsible for the notification, as defined in the process flow, may also perform this operation through the Closure notification task.