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Editing process data

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To edit the data of a process, first, locate the desired process. Then, with the process selected on the main screen, click on the edit button.


If the selected process type has revision control via Workflow or ISO9000, the data screen will be displayed; however, it will be required to add a new edition of the process. To do that, select the "Add new revision" button, located on the toolbar. By confirming the system message, informing you that a new version will be created, the data screen will be reloaded in edit mode.

If the selected process type has Simplified revision control, the data screen will be displayed, however, it will be required to enable the editing of the process. To do that, click on the "Enable editing" button, located on the toolbar. By confirming the system message, informing you that a new version will be created, the data screen will be reloaded in edit mode.


hmtoggle_arrow1General data


Save the record after all necessary configurations and associations for the process are performed. If no changes are needed, click on the Release version button, located on the toolbar. If you wish to undo the changes made to the process data or the flowchart modeling, click on the Discard changes button.