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Release Notes

Access to the External user portal

From this version onwards, the SE Analytics visions can be added to the external user portal. This portal is more concise and focused on tending to the external users of the corporation, such as business partners, suppliers, regulating agents, and others.

To add the visions to this portal, it is necessary to edit the analysis through the Analytics arrowrgray File arrowrgray File (AN003) menu and check the Allow viewing by all external users option. Only the analysis visions with this option checked will be available to be added to the external user portal.


Controls to preserve the SoftExpert Suite performance

In this version, some changes and controls have been added to SoftExpert Analytics, aiming to decrease the risk of overloading the servers and compromising other parts of the system. Some highlights:


The number of queries simultaneously under execution through SoftExpert Analytics is no longer unlimited and it is now 15 simultaneous queries. If necessary, through the Analytics arrowrgray Configuration arrowrgray General parameters (AN007) menu, in the Performance section, it is possible to configure the maximum number of simultaneous queries.

A waiting list as long as the number of simultaneous queries has also been created, so that some requests can wait for a spot to be opened for execution to be started. If this list is full and new requests are made, the system returns a message to wait a few minutes and try again.


Before saving a vision, through the searches of SoftExpert Suite components, SoftExpert Analytics now warns the user whenever a performance issue is identified, indicating the need to filter data.

Users that receive the filter warning must return to the component search and apply filters, so that the number of records does not surpass 250,000 and the total processing time of these records does not surpass 15 seconds. Only after the use of filters it is recommended to analyze and save the vision, so that the use of this vision is not compromised, especially when it is published in a portal with a large number of accesses.


The report generation is no longer parallel; by default, it will be executed in a queue. If necessary, it is possible to change this behavior through the Analytics arrowrgray Configuration arrowrgray General parameters (AN007) menu.


Filter by measurements in the portal bar

Meeting several demands, now, it is possible to filter the data by measurements in the portal filter bar, enabling, for example, filtering the number of a contract, the duration of activities, the number of defects, among others.


Note that when it is a decimal field or when the field has a display unit, the data being displayed in the vision may be formatted; in these cases, when filtering, it is important to enter the "Value" of the stored data, and not of the data being displayed.


Panel enabled to configure properties and visual styles

In this version, the panel for the configuration of properties and visual styles has been made enabled by default in OLAP. It is also available for all vision types.


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In addition to the improvements already published in the release notes of the previous version, version 2.1.5 has new improvements, such as: customization of titles and subtitles, and the option to reserve a space for null or missing points.


Improvement in the sorting of stacked charts

Meeting several demands, the sorting of stacked charts now considers the sum of the series, instead of a single series as it occurred in the previous versions, making the presentation and reading of this chart type easier and more consistent.


Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: