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This section will only be enabled for assets with a quantity greater than "1". When editing the data of an asset and clicking on the arrow below the History section, the following subsections will be displayed:



Click on the button of this sub-section to associate the asset with the location. An asset may be associated with either a physical place (for example: a machine when it is moved to a warehouse), or a user (for example: a laptop computer when it is moved to a person):

1.Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will open up:

Asset: Asset name. This field is automatically filled by the system.

Date: Enter the date on which the asset was associated with the storage place. The system automatically fills in the current date, but it is possible to edit it.

Time: Enter the time in which the asset was associated with the storage place. The system automatically fills in the current time, but it is possible to edit it.

Location: Select this option to associate the asset with a storage place.

User: Select this option to associate the asset with a user.

Comments: Use this field to enter the necessary comments regarding the asset location.


2.Save the record after filling in the fields above. Enter as many locations as required.



Click on the button of this sub-section to indicate the condition of the asset in question. The condition denotes the state of the asset, for example: new, scratched, broken, dented, etc.

1.Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will open up:

Asset: Asset name. This field is automatically filled by the system.

Date: Enter the date on which the condition was verified. The system automatically fills in the current date, but it is possible to edit it.

Time: Enter the time in which the condition was verified. The system automatically fills in the current time, but it is possible to edit it.

Condition: Select the asset condition.

Comments: Use this field to enter the necessary comments regarding the asset condition.


2.Save the record after filling in the fields above. Enter as many conditions as required.



Use this subsection to verify the downtime history of the asset. The history is composed by the date and time of the beginning and end of each downtime, as well as, also the reason that made the asset to be stopped.



Use this subsection to execute the asset events without the need for accessing another menu in the system.

Usage event: Through this section it will be possible to move the asset for usage, as long as "Usage event" is configured in the control section in the asset data. If this event is enabled, the buttons on this section will also be enabled, allowing you to create, edit or delete the usage event. For further details on this operation, refer to the Checking the asset out for usage section.

Maintenance event: Through this section it will be possible to move the asset for maintenance, as long as "Maintenance event" is configured in the control section in the asset data. If this event is enabled, the buttons on this section will also be enabled, allowing you to create, edit or delete the maintenance event. For further details on this operation, refer to the Checking the asset out for maintenance section.

Calibration event: Through this section it will be possible to move the asset for calibration, as long as "Calibration event" is configured in the control section in the asset data. If this event is enabled, the buttons on this section will also be enabled, allowing you to create, edit or delete the calibration event. For further details on this operation, refer to the SE Calibration documentation.


Events may only be created, edited and/or removed by users with access to the event menus and who are part of the team associated in event configuration.



Use this sub-section to check, in chronological order, the history of events in the asset in question. In the timeline, all the changes made to the asset are presented, such as change of asset location, the creation of plan activities (verification, calibration, maintenance and maintenance route), downtime records, movements, among others. It is also possible to view the data of each of these events, just click on the button below each event/change. The timeline also allows the addition of comments, allowing greater control over the asset history. To do this, click on the Comment button and on the screen that will open up, enter the desired comment.



The asset activities will be listed in this subsection along with its timeline, allowing the user to access the asset activity history and shortcuts to view such information. It also allows the distinction by activity type.