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Sending an activity to the planning/execution step

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After ensuring all the required information regarding the verification execution has been entered, click on the Execute button to send it to the next step. The system will ask whether you wish to send the record to the next step.


If confirmed, the record may move on to one of the following steps:


If the activity is under execution and it is necessary to perform the timesheet, then before ending the activity, it will be necessary to enter the time. Refer to the Executing a verification section for details on how to perform the timesheets.


Current step

Next step


Programming approval: The record will continue to this task if the standard activity associated with the verification plan has been configured with the approval step.

Verification execution: The record will continue to this step if the standard activity associated with the verification plan has not been configured with the approval step. After approving the programming, the record also continues to this step.


Execution approval: The record will continue to this task if the standard activity associated with the verification plan has been configured with the execution approval step.

Closed: If the approval step is not configured in the standard activity, then the verification will be finished.


This action may also be executed by clicking on the button, located in the third quadrant of the main screen, or through the Verification programming (if the activity is under planning) or Verification execution (if the activity is under execution) task.